S.Africa to collapse even faster: (White) Brain drain concerning: RMB CEO


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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is zwnews.com. Zwnews.com used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

[I suspect most of the Brain Drain is still White, but I have been aware that non-Whites have also been leaving the country. The ship is sinking! The Liberal Communist ship … is sinking… 14/88 Jan]

President Cyril Ramaphosa last night promising swifter economic reforms, more social support for the poor and support for job creation in both the private and public sectors. He also announced the development of an infrastructure investment project pipeline worth R340 billion in network industries such as energy, water, transport and telecommunications. Courtesy #DStv403

JOHANNESBURG – President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday night promising swifter economic reforms, more social support for the poor and support for job creation in both the private and public sectors.

The president also announced the development of an infrastructure investment project pipeline worth R340-billion in network industries such as energy, water, transport and telecommunications.

It comes amid warnings of a critical skills shortage. Emigration — or a brain drain that the country has been experiencing — is not helping.

James Formby, Rand Merchant Bank’s Chief Executive said: "The official sort of estimate using data from sources like StatsSA and others are around 23,000 people leaving per annum.

"But the anecdotal evidence that I guess many of us are experiencing indicates higher and it certainly indicates a worrying trend of specialist skills leaving the country. I guess the appeal here is really how important these specialist skills are both to attract and retain in South Africa; retain the ones we have but also free up visa regulation to attract specialist skills where we have got obvious gaps emerging."

Source: https://www.enca.com/analysis/brain-drain-concerning-rmb-ceo

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Video: EXCELLENT: Israel: White Politician in Europe says: Jews are given a license to KILL ANYBODY
I think I‘ve seen this White man before. I think he might be Polish. I think he‘s tackled the Jews before.

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