S.Africa: Son of a Bitch!!! The Black Jew Ramaphosa releases 19,000 Prisoners from jail due to COVID-19 – My Comments
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[These bloody swines use any excuse to let masses of black prisoners leave jail. Mandela, in his early years as President, let 9,000 prisoners go "as a gift to the nation". Well, when you let them go, they start engaging in crime. And given the bad situation in SA now, financially, this will cause a rise in crime. To my knowledge this is the biggest single amount of criminals let go in one shot. One has no guarantee who they are. This will spur a crime wave, and whites have been talking about it. I know the security company in our area, which is well run by some whites, are concerned about a crime wave. I spoke to a senior white guy there and he says he has a plan for this crime wave, when it hits. We had a white guy attacked down the road from me when lockdown went from 5 to 4. 2 Blacks with a knives and a gun, attacked him and stabbed him in the leg and made off with his bicycle. I've been going for walks, both in the day and even deep in the night. Then I walk up to 4 Km around a circle. But I'm seeing nothing at night. All is quiet. Even the security vehicles that normally patrol are not patrolling. So, so far, all is quiet due to lockdown. But we are expecting more problems. I've not seen any police in our area for long, but I need to check my camera. Also look at Ramaphosa with his stupid mask. What an idiot. Jan]
President Cyril Ramaphosa will have to address the nation virtually this Freedom Day, 27 April 2020. Image: Twitter/@GovernmentZA
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday authorised the placement on parole of selected categories of sentenced offenders as a measure to combat the spread of Covid-19 in correctional facilities.
Correctional facilities are considered high-risk areas for infection.
This followed a call by the United Nations to all countries to reduce prison populations to maintain social distancing and self-isolation.
The presidency said in a statement: “The President has taken this decision in terms of Section 82(1)(a) of the Correctional Services Act of 1998 which empowers the President to authorise at any time the placement on correctional supervision or parole of any sentenced prisoner, subject to conditions that may be recommended by the Correctional Supervision and Parole Board.”
Almost 19,000 out of 155,000 inmates will be released from the country’s correctional services facilities.
Only low-risk inmates who have passed their minimum detention period or will approach this period in the coming five years will be granted parole.
“This dispensation excludes inmates sentenced to life imprisonment or serving terms for specified other serious crimes, including sexual offences, murder and attempted murder, gender based violence and child abuse.
“Inmates that will be affected by this decision will be placed on parole instead of having their sentences remitted. They will therefore continue to serve their sentence under Community Corrections until they reach their respective sentence expiry dates.”
The process will take place over a 10-week period.
Offenders may be re-arrested should they violate their release conditions.
Minister of Justice Ronald Lamola would provide more details on the parole placement programme, said the presidency.
2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.