S.Africa: Nasty: Farm attack, workers tied up, pregnant stud cows slaughtered, Dorstfontein


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A farm attack took place during the night of 22 April and the early hours of 23 April 2021, on a farm in Dorstfontein, in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Seven attackers broke into two dwellings of the farm workers assaulted them, tied them up and robbed them of personal items.

The seven attackers then proceeded to disconnect the electricity thus disabling the cameras and other security systems.

The security equipment was also stolen.

The cattle enclosure was then broken open and the cattle chased out. The attackers then slaughtered two of the pregnant stud cows .

Welbekend SAPS are investigating the slaughter and attack. There have been no arrests.

There is no other information available at this stage.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/mpumalanga/farm-attack-workers-tied-up-pregnant-stud-cows-slaughtered-dorstfontein/

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