S.Africa: Farming Organisation publishes secret Govt list of 195 Farms to be seized without payment!
Video: Blacks eat rats for Xmas: Zimbabwe 2006
This is what happened when Mugabe began driving out 5,500 white farmers from Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) from 2000 onwards.
[One of my supporters found this important information which the Govt has been hiding. Below is the link to the PDF that Afriforum published.
The columns are in Afrikaans, so let me translate it for you:-
Nommer = Number
Provinsie = Province
Distrikmunisipaliteit = District Municipality
Plaasnaam = Farm Name
Plaasnommer = Farm Number.
This Afrikaans farming organisation seems to have a “spy” who gave them this list. They felt confident enough to publish this in the mainstream.
This is excellent. I hope that people will begin to make plans to resist the Govt’s communist theft of these farms. I would like to see the farms burned down or blown up if the blacks get their hands on them. Sadly, I don’t think we will see that. But I hope some form of resistance comes into being.
If these black communist pieces of shit can start by stealing 195 farms … then where does this end? Strictly speaking, Malema, who proposed this, actually wants the Govt to own ALL PROPERTY IN SA and not just farms. Therefore in theory they would seize people’s houses, businesses, etc. Its truly hideous.
ALSO DO NOT FORGET THAT LARGE NUMBERS OF PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR UNDER BLACK RULE!! In Zimbabwe, Mugabe even seized land that whites had bought under black rule … and the black scum seem to have the same thing in mind here in South Africa! We must resist this.
Its good that Afriforum is tripping up this land seizure. This expose is good and I hope people will begin rallying around this issue. NEVER co-operate with your ENEMY! The Govt is our ENEMY! Jan]
You can download the PDF here with the list of the farms: 20180812-Plaaslys-Media
AfriForum publishes list of farms allegedly targeted for expropriation
12 August 2018 – 13:38
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews, the Masters of Assassination & Murder
Tom Metzger told me that the Jews had 2 contracts out to kill him! Tom explains his view that Jews murder anti-communists and white right wingers in the USA. We discuss his many experiences from the past.