Video: Oprah Winfrey: Old White racists (including Whites in SA) … just have to DIE!


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2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.

Here is the view of Oprah Winfrey talking about old Whites including in the South and Apartheid South Africa, and they just have to grow old and DIE!!!

Well, she can dream all she wants… let her dream her dream.

She is out of touch with nature and reality. I’m afraid, Nature operates differently. Many people may be fooled into thinking the world has finally changed. No it has not. It is the way it is for good and valid reasons and those same reasons will arise again and smash everything in its path. NATURE CANNOT BE DENIED! You cannot crush reality and you can’t crush nature. NEVER STAND IN THE WAY OF NATURE … Nature is unstoppable and invincible.

Here’s the short video:

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Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.

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