S.Africa: Farm attack on Whites, couple ambushed, 19 firearms stolen, Westonaria


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A farm attack took place on 16 September 2021, at 10:00, in Westonaria in the Gauteng province of South Africa. Jan Stolz and his wife were ambushed in their house when they arrived home. The armed attackers were waiting for them and brutally attacked the couple. The couple were threatened with a sharp object, assaulted and tied up.

The attackers, who could not gain access any other way, invaded the home through the roof.

The home was ransacked and a number of items, including nineteen firearms were stolen.

This is the second farm attack that the couple, who were also armed, have had to endure and they are fortunate to not have been seriously injured and or murdered.

It is astonishing that with all the coverage regarding these violent attacks that people do not carry their firearms on them and if they do, they are not prepared or alert to the possibility of an attack and are often disarmed.

In numerous cases the victims are severely assaulted and sometimes tortured to open their safes and hand over their firearms.

The attackers then fled the scene in the couple’s bakkie.

The couple managed to free themselves and raised the alarm. Local farmers, neighbors and other role players responded.

Follow up operations recovered the bakkie and some of the stolen items in the Speru Speru area where suspects were also arrested. All the stolen firearms were recovered in the Glenharvie area in Westonaria.

The investigation is ongoing and more arrests are imminent.

The couple are being cared for by family members in Pretoria.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/gauteng/farm-attack-couple-ambushed-19-firearms-stolen-westonaria/

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