S.Africa: Elite cops sent packing after stand off with the Army over Cuban drugs!


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Video & Audio: What Jews know about Whites & it scares them: Jews fear an American Holocaust & Jews
In this video we spend a lot of time watching Jews and listening to Jews and observing them. Youll get a chance to see and grasp what it is about us that bothers them. I also look at the way Jews talk about Europe or America and how they perceive the end of Europe or America. What exactly are they saying?

[The silly things that go on here in SA know no end. Jan]

The Hawks were sent packing after an embarrassing standoff with the South African National Defence Force’s (SANDF) military police during a bungled raid to confiscate controversial Cuban drugs stored at the South African Military Health Service’s (SAMHS’s) depot in Pretoria.

The Sunday Times has learnt that Hawks officers were made to leave after a tense standoff between the two armed groups on Friday, with one source claiming things got so heated that guns were drawn…

Source: https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/news/2021-01-31-hawks-sent-packing-after-tense-standoff-with-sandf-over-cuban-drugs/

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