S.Africa: COVID Vaccine: Over 3 million registered to get the jab, says Ramaphosa


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[I'm steering clear of this nonsense. The total population of SA is 60 million. I wonder what proportion of those getting the vaccine will be White? I think studies have shown the Whites to be much more skeptical of the COVID issues in SA than the non-Whites. The non-Whites are buying this, hook, line and sinker. Jan]

Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa has stated that while there have been teething problems with the Electronic Vaccine Data System, over 3 million South Africans still managed to register to get the jab.

Ramaphosa revealed this on Sunday while addressing the nation on the country’s response to the ever increasing Covid-19 infections.

He said as this was the first time the system was being used, it was understandable that there would be some initial problems which have inconvenienced people and sometimes caused delays.

He said a significant number of the elderly encountered difficulties in registering on the system.

“This is due to lack of access to the tools need to register online, such as a computer, internet access or mobile phone, or difficulties following the instructions in English.


“Fortunately, these have been attended to quickly and the system is being continually adapted and strengthened as the rollout proceeds.

“Registration and vaccination of those over 60 years is going well.

We now have over 3 million people registered on the Electronic Vaccine Data System,“ he said.

Ramaphosa said there were now more than 400 vaccination sites in operation across the country in both the public and private sector and that South Africa has enough vaccines to reach all adults in the country, which is around 40 million people.

“This includes 31 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is a single dose, and which will be manufactured here in South Africa.

“It includes 20 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which requires two doses to provide full protection.

“The scheduled delivery of the Johnson & Johnson vaccines has however been delayed due to regulatory issues related to lack of adherence to proper standards at a manufacturing plant in the United States.

“We are waiting for these issues to be resolved before the first batch of Johnson & Johnson vaccines can be released from the facility in Gqeberha in the Eastern Cape,” he said.

Ramaphosa said they were in constant contact with the relevant authorities to ensure that South Africa’s doses could be released as soon as possible.

He said around 1.3 million Pfizer doses had already been distributed and nearly 500,000 administered.

About 636,000 doses were due to arrive on Sunday night with weekly deliveries of an equivalent volume until the end of June which is when South Africa would have received 2.5 million doses.

“Our reliance on the Pfizer vaccine for now has affected the pace at which we are able to open vaccination sites.

“Due to the properties of the Pfizer vaccine which requires an ultra-cold supply chain, inclusion of smaller sites and sites in more rural areas is limited.

“When the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been cleared, it will be much easier to administer.

“It is a single dose vaccine and can be stored in a normal fridge,” Ramaphosa explained.

According to Ramaphosa, all of the vaccines approved for use in South Africa were not only safe but effective too and urged everyone to await their turn for the jab.

Source: https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/over-3-million-south-africans-registered-to-get-the-jab-says-ramaphosa-99a124d6-9609-472b-b797-50cfa9a34408

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