S.Africa: Blacks hijack a building: Joburg property ‘hijackers’ ousted after city helps homeowner 30 March 2022


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[They don't publish race details any more, so one can't say with certainty. But my best guess is that these are Blacks – based on the information and area mentioned in the story below. Jan]

Nine people have been arrested at a “hijacked” Johannesburg home after they defied an eviction order by moving back onto the property.

The problem of squatters on the property, in Denver, was reported to the city’s group forensic and investigation services unit in 2019, said spokesperson Lucky Sindane.

The unit established that tenants were paying a monthly rental of R800 each to the alleged property hijacker.

The owner secured an eviction order from the high court, which was executed on December 2 last year. “However, the suspects forcefully moved back onto the property.”

The unit on Wednesday launched a special operation with the SAPS property hijacking investigation task team and the Johannesburg metro police.

“The property has been secured and handed over to security personnel hired by the owner of the building,” said Sindane.

The five men and four women arrested at the home are expected to appear in the Jeppe magistrate’s court on Thursday on charges of trespassing and contempt of court.

Sindane said the unit “is committed to ensuring that it stops the rot in the city and make it a prosperous and inclusive place for our people to live, work and play”.

Source: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2022-03-30-joburg-property-hijackers-ousted-after-city-helps-homeowner/

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