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Video & Audio: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Do Blacks cause massive climate damage?
Why are there so many droughts in Zimbabwe, almost for 15 years running and now these are impacting South Africas weather patterns like never before.

[Someone asked me about this. Jan]

This was my reply:

You raise an interesting question about whether these photos are real and how people can tell whether Farm murders and other attacks on Whites are real. This is an issue I had to deal with after the year 2000. I will quickly send you a few more photos – but I set up a proper page on my original website when this stuff started. These killings started in the 1990s. But let me just explain the BLACKS and WHAT THEY DO AND WHY THEY DO IT. You mentioned that the Bolsheviks (Jews mostly), used extreme cruelty against the Russians. Here’s the real story: 1899-1902: During the 2nd Anglo Boer War, the Boer armies collapsed after 6 months against the British Empire, but there were Boers who refused to give up, so they began fighting the British using guerilla techniques. Not TERROR but GUERILLA warfare – on horseback. The Boers were very successful and the war continued for another 2 1/2 years or so. There was a Boer General named De Wet, who was one of the best at this, and he wrote a book, in English called: The 3 Years War wherein he described what he and others did when they fought the British. This book ended up in the hands of the Soviets. In 1922 a Communist Party was started in South Africa. It was started by Whites and they had a short revolution in South Africa and captured Johannesburg for a short while. But they were crushed by the Government. These White and Jewish communists were also teaching the Blacks about Communism. In 1928, some Blacks went to the Kremlin and they suggested that the Soviets support the Blacks. Stalin liked this and issued an order to the White/Jewish Communists that they must work for a BLACK COMMUNIST REPUBLIC in South Africa. The Soviets also set out to destroy the British Empire especially AND the rest of the European Empires. They liked what the Boers did, and they invented a new type of warfare based on what the Boers did. They decided that GUERILLA WAR combined with TERROR would WORK. This is what they then began teaching Blacks in Africa. All Blacks who wanted Russian support had to agree to: (a) The Russians/Soviets would arm them and train them for FREE on this condition that they (b) Implement Communism when they came to power. So they get FREE WEAPONS, FREE TRAINING by Russians. For the most part 70% of the USSR was really RUSSIAN. So Russians were behind this. The idea was to combine guerilla warfare with EXTREME BRUTALITY. They refined this. They implemented these methods in the early days in Kenya against the British (Mau Mau), and then in Vietnam and it was then used all over Africa including South Africa. The Russians, yes, THE RUSSIANS, taught the Blacks extreme brutality and cruelty and that this was to be their method of dealing with Whites as well as with Black traitors. Everybody learned this including Nelson Mandela. Returning to Farm Murders and extreme brutality against Whites including TORTURING WHITES TO DEATH. In early 2024, I learned that a White lady in my own suburb, a few KM from me, was tortured to death. But they kept it all hush hush and it only ended up in a local newspaper. The torturing of Whites does not always take place but it IS REAL and I have spoken to Police who told me it happens more often than people are told. There are Whites who are TORTURED TO DEATH in SOUTH AFRICA BY BLACKS. They are not just beaten to death or stabbed to death but TORTURED TO DEATH. It doesn’t always happen but it still does happen from time to time. Under Black rule, this stuff is very much hushed up and the Mass Media also never publishes the details. I even have a show that I did with one of the few Americans who fought in Rhodesia, a guy now deceased called J B Campbell. In one of my shows with him, he tells a few stories from Rhodesia where he saw some of this brutality. I can find the video if you are interested. And he explains too that the Russians were behind this. He tells one story where he got to a village to find a Black guy who’d had both his legs chopped off below the knee. They used rags, etc to stop the bleeding. He also tells the story of Missionaries – Whites (I think Americans possibly), who were kind and nice to the terrorists. He tells the story of how the Army sent him to warn these Whites to stop helping the terrorists and that they should be reporting the terrorists to the army. A few months later those terrorists murdered those same Whites he had been speaking to, who assured him that the terrorists were nice people. In South Africa, when these Blacks, who were trained by the Russians, needed to punish Blacks, they decided to invent a brutal method of killing Blacks. It’s known as necklacing. Have you heard of it? They set someone on fire using petrol and tyres. Interestingly, the Blacks like necklacing, and I’ve even heard of Blacks in America using it to kill other Blacks, and recently a White woman in New York was set on fire on a train using the same method. But that method of killing was invented by the Black Communists of South Africa. The US Army referred to the enemy as "CT" (Communist Terrorists). That was because BRUTALITY, torture – of the worst kinds – was part of the game. I have other photos of this. The advantage of TERRORISM is that it gives guerilla warfare a new edge and that edge is EXTREME FEAR. That was the purpose behind it. It was invented by Russian military officers after they read Boer General De Wet’s book. That is where *ALL TERRORISM* comes from. All the terrorists you see in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, etc – it came from this method invented by Russian Officers in the Soviet Union. There are still many Black Communists in South Africa and in other parts of Africa, and they remember what their Russian and Cuban trainers taught them. They did not invent terrorism themselves. They were TAUGHT IT by MILITARY INSTRUCTORS, mostly Russians.

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Video: Orania: The Afrikaner city on its way to freedom! (English subtitles)
These are good people. I was there in 2010. They‘re expanding and looking for more people to go there. Jan

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