S.Africa: About the White Polish Man Janusz Walusz who shot the top Communist Chris Hani dead – First Interview in Poland


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(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).

I wrote this note to a Boer: You sent out a link a while back about Janusz Waluz and him giving an interview in Poland, and it was very hyped up about how he’s going to say things that will change South African history. I sent out a request for it but have not checked for replies. I also looked for it myself. It seems he gave an interview in Polish, but I don’t know of any translations of it, and I can’t find any indication that he said anything new or anything earth-shattering.

For the record, since Waluz is now outside the country, I am sure that *LEGALLY* South Africa has no ability to act on him in any way via the law—so of all the Whites who were in jail in South Africa, if there is anyone who can say anything he wants about South Africa, it is Waluz.

There is someone related to the killing of Hani who also left South Africa but was not in jail. He could also say something. South Africa is linked to the EU in that South Africa must extradite criminals to the EU. I did check, and even if South Africa wanted Waluz back, Polish law, like most laws, is concerned with the safety of its own citizens first, and therefore, it is extremely unlikely that anything Waluz says could ever result in him being extradited back to South Africa. I think we can safely say it is impossible for Waluz to be sent back to South Africa.

My point is that he definitely has the opportunity to let any cats out of the bag regarding the assassination of Hani and the other Whites from South Africa who were involved in it. But unless someone from Poland can tell us more, I don’t think there’s anything further to be said. I had hoped that maybe he would say something. Unless we can find the actual Polish interview, we’re not going to move forward in any way.

It would have been interesting to hear his side of the story of the day he shot Hani. His shooting of Hani is proof that Whites could really smack the Blacks in a way that hurts, and no, there will NOT BE A RACE WAR. Everyone expected there would be a RACE WAR, and there was none. Whites back then, and ever since, always overestimate the anger of the Blacks and the ability of the Blacks to turn that anger into something that can hurt us. People have no conception of how war actually works.

The truth, which I pointed out in my 2019 lecture in the USA, Canada, and here in South Africa, is that Blacks have tried *ALL OUT RACE WAR* in South Africa, even in the time of FW De Klerk, *AND THE WHITES DEFEATED THE BLACKS*. I gave the statistics, etc.

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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.

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