S.Africa: 2025: Business Website has a Poll: Will S.Africa get better, worse or stay the same?


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Deutsche Bcher ber Juden, Hitler und NAZIS
Es gibt viele Bcher auf dieser Website und einige scheinen sehr neu zu sein. Sie diskutieren offen ber die Juden, Hitler, die SS usw.

[These are the results of the poll they had on a business news website. Probably, most of the readers of this business website are White, and you'll see the results below. Anyone with half a brain realises, there's no future. Only one third of the readers think things can improve. Jan]

Here are the Poll results:

How do you feel about South Africa’s prospects for 2025?

Things will get worse (41%, 1,399 Votes)
Things will get better (33%, 1,123 Votes)
Things will stay the same (27%, 925 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,447

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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
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