S.Africa: 2022: Warning from Farming Organisation: Farm attacks escalate and are very BRUTAL – My Comments
Video: JEWS104: Secret Jews aka Crypto Jews
I discuss the topic of real Jews who are hidden. Other Jews know about them, but the secret is well kept.
[We Whites are wasting our lives dealing with these Black Communists who rule us. They want to fight us. They want to destroy us. The Jews and Russians unleashed this nonsense on us. There is nothing to be gained by staying in this disgusting country that South Africa has become. We need our own White Country here in Africa. Jan]
Farm attacks are on the rise again and the brutality of the attacks is disturbing.
The brutality of recent murders of a farmer from Waterval-Boven (just to steal his bakkie) and a farmer from Delmas is extremely worrying.
“One farm attack or murder is one too many. On behalf of TLU SA, we express our condolences to Gideon Swart’s family and friends. His brother Ruben farms on a neighbouring farm and is a TLU SA member. The family of the Delmas farmer is also in our prayers,” says Dr Gawie Lötter, TLU SA Manager: Safety.
“We are not only seeing an increase in farm attacks and murders, but also an escalation in the brutality of the incidents. With the attacks, there are cases of livestock theft, the theft of farm equipment and the theft of weapons that end up in the wrong hands. The latter is especially dangerous.”
Since 1990, 2203 farm murders have been reported. By September 27, there are already 33 murders for 2022 on the record book.
There is a clear increase in farm attacks. In June there were two farm murders, but since then the numbers have been increasing. There were seven in July and already six in September.
For TLU SA, this points to the opportunistic actions of criminals. The political climate with discussions focusing on expropriation without compensation, infighting in the ruling party and ineffectiveness of the SAPS are some of the factors that create a climate for criminals to take extra chances.
According to Lötter, the resounding silence of the government is disturbing.
“We are already aware that the application of law and order by the SAPS is not to our liking, and with weapons still in the hands of criminals, it is a time bomb waiting to explode,” adds Lötter.
TLU SA strongly condemns these farm attacks and expects the government and Minister of Police to do the same and use all means at their disposal to bring the criminals to account.
Issued by: TLU SA
Date: 28 September 2022
This book includes photos and shows the horrors and incompetance and assorted foolishness that took place in South Africa when the ANC obtained farms from Whites through the Land Claims process. Nothing like this has been written since. It is a classic text on wastage and inefficiency.