Russia: The Prime Mover in ALL the Black wars against Whites from Congo to South Africa
Video: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians.
This is a reply I wrote to someone on Gab:
@Temnozor The truth is I’ve never yet heard of a White farmer from South Africa who went to Russia. From what I’ve seen, I would say that very very few White farmers went to Russia. Perhaps a dozen? Russia was our enemy. Russia armed the Blacks. Russian officers came to neighbouring states and commanded armies. Russia loaded ships full of tanks and advanced weaponry to fight the Whites. russia fought Whites from the Congo, right down to South Africa. Clearly you know nothing about the history of Russia. Russia pledged South Africa to the Blacks in 1928. Stalin did that. When Russia had an embassy in SA they stoked up the Blacks against the Whites until Russia was thrown out of South Africa. Russia only came back in 1992, 2 years before the Blacks took over. Russia was the *PRIME MOVER* in *ALL* the wars that raged across southern Africa over 50 years! They armed them. They gave them bombs to plant in our cities. Everything came from Russia and China, but mostly Russia. Russia – Jewish Bolshevik Russia was the prime mover in DESTROYING ALL THE EUROPEAN EMPIRES AFTER WW2.
Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.