Rare Quote from Eugene Terreblanche re: Afrikaners/Boers & Jews…
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[I found this in an interview he gave. He said more than just this, but the bottom line is that he was skeptical about the Jews, though, to my knowledge, he did not say this often or in a big way. But he did say it during an interview. I feel better, knowing that he realised the Jew will NEVER be loyal to South Africa, nor to the Boers. Jan]
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Video & Audio: BANNED: Jewish Holocaust Lie: How Canadian TV fooled viewers
This is so important. It‘s an example of a holocaust lie. Here is Part 2 of the video: https://historyreviewed.best/index.php/video-banned-jewish-holocaust-lie-how-canadian-tv-fooled-viewers-part-2/
Video & Audio: BANNED: Jewish Holocaust Lie: How Canadian TV fooled viewers
This is so important. It‘s an example of a holocaust lie. Here is Part 2 of the video: https://historyreviewed.best/index.php/video-banned-jewish-holocaust-lie-how-canadian-tv-fooled-viewers-part-2/