Pic: Jan’s books sell for more 2nd hand, than new: Government by Deception $33 – R490
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New Nation News
This is the best website in America that exposes BLACK CRIME! It is fantastic. Every White American should see this!
New Nation News
This is the best website in America that exposes BLACK CRIME! It is fantastic. Every White American should see this!
[I must be the only author in the world, whose books sell for more, 2nd hand, than new. My books go up in value a lot. Jan]
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Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels