Multiracial South Africa: Everyone is complaining: It’s too much’: Load-shedding & corruption among SA’s c oncerns


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Wie is ons? Boere of Afrikaners? Antwoord van Dr Mike Du Toit
Ek het iemand gehad wat aan my geskryf het oor die onderwerp van Boere teenoor Afrikaners. Ek het besluit om Dr. Mike Du Toit te nader, wat die leier van die Boeremag was en ‘n professionele akademikus is wat baie goed ingelig is oor ons geskiedenis, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Dr. Du Toit weet nie net van ons geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook van ons geskiedenis in Europa. Hier is sy antwoord.

[Here we are in the "rainbow nation" that the Jews gushed so much about, and here you'll find that everyone complains! Everyone moans and groans and nothing can ever be fixed. At the source url below you'll see lots of complaints by the people of this unhappy country. Jan]

South Africans have taken to Twitter ahead of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s state of the nation address (Sona) on Thursday to share their grievances.

Corruption and load-shedding are among their main concerns.

Parliament announced two weeks ago that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s Sona will be taking a hybrid format with only 50 MPs allowed in the house. The rest will join the address virtually. It said it would spend less than the R2.2m set aside for the event.

On Monday, Ramaphosa assured South Africans that officials implicated in unlawful procurement of Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) will face the music. This comes after the Special Investigations Unit released a report on “procurement scam syndicates”.

“All involved in wrongdoing will be dealt with harshly and appropriately. They will not get to enjoy their ill-gotten gains as steps have been taken to recover stolen money, including the freezing of bank accounts,” the president said.

Some are already speculating on social media about the focus of the Sona and whether their grievances will be addressed.


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Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
Lots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story.

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