More from JB Campbell the American who fought in Rhodesia…
Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.
[Here is some more from a discussion I had with a White man in North America who knows JB Campbell. Here he tells more of what he learned from his time in Africa. I will discuss some of this in more detail in a video. He touches on important things, and there is a lot more to analyse. Diversity is complex, and Diversity CANNOT WORK. The Jews have set up the Western world for a lot of killing. People don't understand how many ways Whites in Africa tried to deal with Blacks, and that includes South Africa and Rhodesia. We've tried every trick in the book. We've tried every means of co-operating or working with them. There are many serious problems with this. Jan]
The North American man wrote:-
I’ve been aware of the black problem for a long time but JB really made me understand it. I remember asking him “what do you mean UNTEACHABLE” ? And I’m a very awake and aware guy, but it just didn’t register correctly until he said that.
Bruce went onto explain many personal experiences over there detailing his comment. I think most Whites have a hard time accepting what they do not understand because we’re not what they are. It’s genetic. Just like the jewish problem is genetic and can’t be fixed short of extermination. There’s no other discussion to be had.
By the end of that particular “unteachable” conversation I finally had the last bit I was missing on my racial awareness because it’s a scale with the other races.
It’s hard to get your head around it. “What do mean Bruce, if someone doesn’t know something you teach them and they learn. And if they have a little trouble comprehending you patiently teach them again”.
“No Lonnie, you don’t understand, you have to experience this to really get it. They are simply not capable of learning” and went on to explain…
Honestly Jan it made me go back and take a second look at a bunch of your work. It suddenly made that much more sense when I THOUGHT I understood what you were teaching.
And that brings us to now…
NOW when I see how easily these blacks are lead by the nose to hate us, attack us, kill us etc; instead of having any comprehension of the truth of their jewish slavery, Whites trying to elevate them etc … I’ve learned to …snip…
National Vanguard: Kevin Strom‘s Search Engine for Whites
Kevin Strom wrote his own search engine and made it available to the public.