Monthly Donation reminder… I do need YOUR support…
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews infiltrate White thinking and also the NAZI Rockwell
We discuss how Tom got into politics and how he began to understand the Jewish problem. So we focus on the events of the 1960s. Tom worked as a TV Technician and later worked for Douglas aircraft.
This is a monthly request to folks who read my website. I would be most grateful for a bit of your support please. There is a donation link.
I am dependent on your support because I am banned from all other methods of obtaining money for my websites. Years ago I was banned from having adverts. I am banned from using certain services, etc. Yet I continue to work away and put out content FOR FREE for YOU.
I do many things, and I pay for many things out of my own pocket just to keep my services running so that I can’t be censored.
So I would be most grateful if you would support me, despite all the tricks that are used to prevent me from getting ANY INCOME AT ALL.
I think my work is at least worth $2 or a cup of coffee. Would you please consider donating something to me to help cover my costs and my efforts please?
Thanks for your understanding.
Video: S.Africa: SECESSION: The ONLY HOPE for Whites: My discussion with a Lawyer
Secession, secession, secession! This is the JET AIRCRAFT to Freedom for Whites in South Africa. Nothing else has the potential of this concept. Youll understand why I think this is the most awesome thing that anyone in South Africa can do. In this video youll hear a detailed discussion with my attorney who did a lot of legal work on secession along with other attorneys.