Monthly Donation reminder… I do need YOUR support…


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100 Genuine Original Militaria: Third Reich: Gold Cross of Honour of the German Mother
In recognition of the substantial importance a womans role and motherhood was in support of a strong German Reich nation, the Cross of Honour of the German Mother was introduced by decree in Berlin on 16 December 1938 by Adolf Hitler.

This is a monthly request to folks who follow my website. I would be most grateful for a bit of your support please.

I am dependent on your support because websites like mine are banned from running adverts like all other Liberal websites are. They discriminate against us because we are pro-White.

I do many things, and I pay for it all out of my own pocket just to keep my services running so that I can’t be censored. I pay for domains, for hosting and servers and I also have to eat just like you. Plus I put in many hours of work, every day. I do this because this is my PASSION and I believe in it.

I think my work is at least worth $2 or a cup of coffee. Would you please consider donating something to me to help cover my costs and my efforts please?

I would be most grateful if you would support me.

You can either click on the DONATE link in the menu above or click on this link:

Or: Email me at: [email protected]

Thanks for your understanding.

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Der Videokanal des deutschen Helden Horst Mahler
Horst Mahler aus Deutschland hat mir einen Link zu seinem neuen Videokanal geschickt. Verbreiten Sie es gerne weiter. Der Mann ist ein Held. Sie behandelten ihn im Gefngnis sehr schlecht und er verlor seine Beine. Der Mann ist ein Held, der fr die Wahrheit kmpft!

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