IMPORTANT: Could South Africa have had 15 million Whites instead of 4 million? – Rhodesia: Ian Smith


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Video: S.Africa: When Blacks killed Whites in Church St James Church massacre
Here is some history they try to keep away from white people in America and Europe. They will never tell you about the day blacks came with AK47s and threw hand-grenades among whites in a packed church in South Africa.

I’ve been studying Ian Smith’s memoirs. In his memoirs he tells some interesting stories. There are many that I want to discuss.

Ian Smith, of Rhodesia, wrote his memoirs in the 1990s when he was an old man. In his memoirs he tells a most interesting story. Jan Smuts was a Boer, from the Cape who became a lawyer and he worked closely with the Jews. Winston Churchill liked him a LOT. He was the "White Nelson Mandela" of South Africa that the Jews LOVED. He was also a LIBERAL – but a Liberal by the standards of the 1940s.

Smuts was defeated by the NATIONAL PARTY, which was run by the secret Boer organisation the Broederbond. The National Party, NP, was anti-Semitic, and Neo-NAZI and pro-German and they created APARTHEID in SA. Smuts was defeated by the NP in 1948.

In Ian Smith’s memoirs, he claims that Smuts had a plan to bring *LOTS* of White immigrants into South Africa. I’m assuming they would come from Britain and Europe. Smith claims that the White population of South Africa would, by the 1990s, have been 15 million – instead of the paltry number that it was. It is currently 4.5 million. Smith then bemoans the fact that the NP defeated Smuts and that this prevented Smuts’ massive immigration plan.

I’m looking for more info on this. I was always under the impression that the NP was opening the doors to Whites to come to SA because, for example, Rhodesia had a much tighter policy regarding White immigration. There were many Whites who wanted to come to Rhodesia, who were rejected by Rhodesia and they ended up in South Africa. The reason for this is that Rhodesia was very poor compared to SA and could not afford unproductive people.

I don’t know of the NP turning Whites away from South Africa. But Smith seems to think that the loss of Smuts was a huge loss for the Whites of South Africa. Smuts was more Liberal and he would not have created Apartheid.

Ian Smith does not mention his source for this info regarding Jan Smuts. But Ian Smith was very knowledgeable and he had lots of contacts. So there has to be some kind of basis for Smith coming up with this. But I don’t know more. If anyone ever finds out anything more, I’m very interested.

The country we knew as SWA (South West Africa), was formerly German South West Africa. Interestingly, in Ian Smith’s memoirs, he says how much he liked the Whites of SWA and he wished they bordered with Rhodesia because he thinks Rhodesians and SWA Whites would have got along great. I was very surprised by this. I did not know that he liked the Whites of SWA so much!

The Whites of SWA, from my understanding, are basically Boers and Germans and various mixtures of that!

I’m very interested in this apparent claim that Jan Smuts had a huge plan to bring lots of Whites to SA. I’m quite stumped by this.

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