Idiotic COVID-19 Pandemic: Why is nobody crying about Tuberculosis deaths?


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Video: Black American Science in Africa: Eating Childrens Hearts is the way to win Battles!
Whites outside Africa have no clue how crazy Blacks can be. In this video we take a thorough look at Blacks and Witchcraft with Cannibalism and other weird thoughts. Even Blacks who are Christians regard Witchcraft as real and dangerous. We take a look also at Liberia where Blacks from America went to.

One of my white friends here in Africa was writing about this idiotic pandemic, as follows. And its true, lots of blacks are dropping dead from TB. TB is often related to AIDS.

Here’s what he wrote:
Let’s hope, this Corona Story is soon over, it just does’nt make sense. Every year between 1.5 and 2.5 Million people die of Tuberculosis, but no country ever reacted to it like now. And there are other Pandemics, that resulted in no reaction either.

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Get a Free PDF Book: The Great Jewish Mask
This is an amazing pamphlet from 1935 that has been exceptionally popular on my website. You will get the 37 page book The Great Jewish Mask, with an index added to it.The Jews lie a lot about their history and most Christians are fooled by this.

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