From Jan: Working like a rabid dog on Hate Speech & activism … don’t forget my special page…
Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.
Just a note everyone. I’m working like a dog with a double dose of rabbies on my hate speech activism. I am going to tremendous lengths to create a LOT of short videos and audios which can be downloaded and spread on phones. I’ve cut out critical pieces of my interview with my attorney which I am begging people to share. I have created about 25 videos which I need to upload and put on my sites. They deal with all manner of critical points that came out of my discussion with my Boer attorney. The White minority of South Africa are the most discriminated group of people on the planet. In my discussions, in the long show, which are quite technical, many parts may have bored people, so I have pulled out critical portions where we discuss the multicultural nature of South Africa and how the laws and the court system actually discriminate against the Whites.
There are many critical things people need to be made aware of even before dealing with this hideous new law.
Many attorneys and even legal professors have stated that this proposed new law even violates the South African constitution itself in a way that no other law does.
I would like to ask people to please share this stuff as widely as possible. I set up a page where all this information can be seen and read, and documents can be viewed or downloaded. The final section will be my full list of about 30 videos. I’ve put up about 5, but in total it will be around 30, and the final 25 will be shorter slices out of my interview with my attorney.
The legal system and the court system in South Africa is very rigged against Whites and this includes even the attorneys themselves who are TOO SCARED TO REPRESENT WHITES. Whites are denied a proper chance at justice. So for the next few days I want to finish all the resources and get all of this info out. It’s very critical that people now how and why Whites are screwed over and how they go to jail for things which Blacks, for example, would NOT GO TO JAIL FOR! Yes, a White man and a Black man can carry out the same actions and a White person will be jailed whereas a Black won’t. You’ll see the details in my video.
The system, like most systems these days are totally rigged against Whites.
Here is the link that you can easily share to the page where people can read all the things I’ve uncovered:
Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.