EXCELLENT: Black’s kick France and Danish troops out: French envoy given 72 hours to leave African country over ‘hostile’ comments – My Comments
South Africa: Black Youth League says: White people do not belong here My Comments
What is never mentioned is that Blacks are themselves colonisers. That Blacks are NOT native to South Africa. They are technically BANTU and they come from West Africa.
[This is fabulous. As time goes by, the Blacks become ever more arrogant. In this case, you have the French doing their utmost to fight terrorism that THREATENS THE BLACKS. The Danish also have sent a contingent. Now don't be fooled. Even 100 European troops, will pack more punch and get more done than a battalion (or more) of Black African troops. These worthless Blacks are busy LOSING to TERRORISTS – even to small forces of terrorists. It is France that is mostly at work in Africa, while being assisted by the USA, who are trying DESPERATELY to keep these Black ingrates alive and well. The French actually spend money and constantly send troops, all over Africa to help these worthless ingrates. Now, just for a few words, these arrogant Blacks are kicking out the French as well as the Danes. Neither the French, nor the Danes NEED TO BE THERE. They are spending (wasting actually), their own money, and risking the lives of their people. I like what I'm seeing. These worthless Black nations are using their independence to do as they please. But if you study them, you'll see how degenerate they are, and all their corruption, lies and assorted nonsense. The Whites are constantly TRYING TO KEEP BLACK GOVERNMENTS FROM COLLAPSE. It pleases me intensely to watch a growing Black arrogance, while at the same time, the Blacks become more dysfunctional. They can hardly control their own nations. And their nations are under direct threat from tiny groups of Black Muslims. I absolutely love the situation that is developing all across Africa. Whites are going to be able to exploit this massively. This has tremendous benefits for the Boers and Whites of SA, because we Whites in Africa will, in the decades to come, be seen for the valuable role that we play in being the only foothold of Western Civilisation on this continent. In theory, the Boers could be a tremendous springboard for Western and European power in the future. I do not divulge my ideas on this matter, but I have some serious military thoughts on the mass of opportunities that awaits armed Boers in the decades to come. And as you can see, as much as the West bends over backwards, or as some people here have commented, "Blackwards", to help these worthless arrogant fools, this process is itself BREAKING. In the fullness of time the Europeans will grow very tired of the Blacks. As for America, it is too afraid to set foot on this continent, except if Israel orders it to. There is serious potential, if only Whites here in Africa can keep their heads and stand their ground. I love the Black arrogance. I love watching the BREAKDOWN of LIBERAL (JUNK) diplomacy! Whites need to learn: Stop helping the Blacks. Let them collapse! Jan]
Mali’s junta expelled the French envoy over what it said were ‘outrageous comments’
French envoy given 72 hours to leave African country over ‘hostile’ comments
Mali’s government has given France’s ambassador 72 hours to leave the country after “hostile and outrageous” comments made by French authorities regarding the country’s junta. The message was broadcast on state television on Monday evening.
French envoy in Bamako, Joelle Meyer, was urged to leave the country within three days, hours after the French foreign minister and other government officials “repeatedly” spoke out against the national authorities in a way which was “contrary to the development of friendly relations between nations.”
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian had previously said Mali’s ruling military government was “out of control” as tensions rose between the two countries over the deployment of a French-led anti-terrorism force.
Mali junta officials “vigorously condemned” the comments. They had also earlier warned Denmark to immediately withdraw over 100 military personnel that entered the country as part of the anti-terrorism force, deeming their presence illegal despite claims from Copenhagen that they were there on a “clear invitation.”
The authorities expressed hope, however, of pursuing cooperation with other countries, France included, with “mutual respect and based on the fundamental principle of non-interference.”
French Defense Minister Florence Parly said on Saturday that France was not “prepared to pay an unlimited price to remain in Mali.” However, she claimed that the other 15 European countries involved in the anti-terrorism operation in the Sahel region have decided to maintain the mission, so new conditions should be determined.
Source: https://www.rt.com/news/547864-mali-junta-ousts-french-ambassador/
Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.