COVID insanity: A massive number of South Africans lost their jobs
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White Shop: A great colour painting action poster of a flight of Messerchmidt 262 Fighters
A great action poster of a flight of Me 262 jets taking off to intercept the latest wave of terror fleigers. Very dynamic picture. Printed on 10oz vinyl suitable for outdoor use as well as indoors.
White Shop: A great colour painting action poster of a flight of Messerchmidt 262 Fighters
A great action poster of a flight of Me 262 jets taking off to intercept the latest wave of terror fleigers. Very dynamic picture. Printed on 10oz vinyl suitable for outdoor use as well as indoors.
I was reading that due to this COVID lockdown crap that over 1 million South Africans have lost their jobs. This is out of a total workforce that is about 16 million I think.
That’s a big number for us.
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Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!
Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!