Canadian Monika Schaefer is detained – Jan’s: Government by Deception confiscated by Police
Video: White Socialism WORKS: The Incredible German Christians, the Hutterites!
Youve been lied to about socialism and been misled into believing that only capitalism works. In this video youll see modern White Christians in Canada and America who function on socialist principles and youll be stunned at how well they live.
[Monika Schaefer kindly, and bravely, came to The Fash Bash in the USA where I met her and others and we had a great time. On her return to Canada the Canadian Liberal Thought Police detained her for 3 hours and seized a number of books including Christian books and including my Government by Deception. Here’s the story by her, with all the details, of all the books they seized from her, and her nasty detention at the airport in Canada!!! Unreal stuff happening there! Jan]
26FridayApr 2019 Posted Canada, Free Speech, Holohoax, Psychological Warfare, Schaefer – Monika, UncategorizedDetained for “Wrong-Think”: Canadian Border Guards Seize Books from Monika Schaefer
Three Border Guards spent those hours perusing through my possessions, especially the books that I was carrying in my small suitcase. They were looking for “hate propaganda“.
You can read the rest here and see the details of the Christian and other books including mine which they seized for examination by the authorities:
Photo: S.Africa: Desperate measures for dealing with Crime! A Home-made Lion!
This is a photo I got years ago. I think a Boer did this. I think, based on the photo, that this is definitely the work of a Boer.