Books Report on the Concentration Camps in South Africa, by the Committee of Lad ies Appointed by the Secretaty of State for War: Containing Reports on the Camps in Natal, the Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal


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Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
In this video we look at the amazing plans of South Africa and Portugal to beat the Blacks in Africa. The results of their efforts still stand to this day, and nobody notices it.

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Video: Black American Science in Africa: Eating Childrens Hearts is the way to win Battles!
Whites outside Africa have no clue how crazy Blacks can be. In this video we take a thorough look at Blacks and Witchcraft with Cannibalism and other weird thoughts. Even Blacks who are Christians regard Witchcraft as real and dangerous. We take a look also at Liberia where Blacks from America went to.

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