Books on South Africa History
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. This is a very important website and organisation in Canada run by Paul Fromm, whom I know personally. He used to work with the late great Ernst Zundel when the Jews tried to destroy him. Paul Fromm does an incredible amount of work and he‘s the most rock solid fighter for White Freedom and Truth in Canada.
One of the Biggest of collection of South Africa historical books.
A Belgian mission to the Boers (1917)
A brief history of the Transvaal secret service system (1900)
A century of wrong 1899
A compendium of Kafir laws and customs : including genealogical tables of Kafir chiefs and various tribal census returns 1906
A Question of colour : a study of South Africa 1906
A Dash from Diamond City (1901)
A Federal South Africa, a comparison of the critical period of American history with the present position of the colonies and states of South Africa, and a consideration of the advantages of a Federal Union 1896
A Fight to a Finish (1904)
A Fragment of Basuto History, 1854 to 1871: 1854 to 1871 1886
A Guide to the Transvaal 1905
A Lady Trader in the Transvaal (1882)
A life time in South Africa; being the recollections of the first premier of Natal (19000)
A lost legionary in South Africa 1912
A narrative of the Boer War : its causes and results 1900
A Ride Through Hostile Africa: With Adventures Among the Boers (1881)
A Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu Wars: Guadana to Isandhlwana 1880
A voyage to the Isle of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France), the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope, &c. With observations and reflections upon nature and mankind 1775
A West Pointer with the Boers (1903)
Abstract of the debates and resolutions of the Council of Policy at the Cape from 1651 to 1687 (1881)
Account of an eighteen months’ residence at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1835-6 (1836)
Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis (1917)
Adventures in Swaziland (1921)
Adventures of Mrs. Colonel Somerset in Caffraria, during the war 1858
Afghanistan and South Africa; a letter to the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., regarding portions of his Midlothian speeches 1881
Africanderism (1902)
Africanderisms; a glossary of South African colloquial words and phrases and of place and other names 1913
Afrikaner Politics in South Africa
After Pretoria : the Guerilla War (1902)
Alone among the Zulus : the narrative of a journey through the Zulu country, South Africa 1910
Among Boers and Basutos: The Story of Our Life on the Frontier (1894)
Among the Boers; Or, Notes of a Trip to South Africa in Search of Health (188)
Among the Zulus and Amatongas: with sketches of the natives, their language and customs; and the country, products, climate, wild animals, &c. being principally contributions to magazines and newspapers 1875
An account of the Cape of Good Hope and the Hottentotes, the natives of that country (1745)
An Exiled General (1906)
Anti Commando 1931
Arbitration Or War ?: A View of the Transvaal Question (1899)
Arts Under Arms: An University Man in Khaki (1901)
At Pretoria (1901)
Australians in War: With the Australian Regiment, from Melbourne to Bloemfontein (1900)
Baden-Powell : the hero of Mafeking (1900)
Basutoland Records 1883
Besieged by the Boers : a diary of life and events in Kimberly during the siege (19000)
Blue Shirt and Khaki: A Comparison (1901)
Boers and Bantu: a history of the wanderings and wars of the emigrant farmers from their leaving the Cape Colony to the overthrow of Dingan 1886
Boers and Little Englanders: The Story of the Conventions (1897)
British and Boers in South Africa; containing a thrilling account of the great struggle between the British and the Boers … together with the wonderful story of the Transvaal (1900)
Britain and Boer Independence (1900)
Britain and the Boers. Who is responsible for the war in South Africa? (1899)
Britain’s Title in South Africa or The Story of Cape Colony to the Days of the Great Trek (1901)
Calcoen: a Dutch narrative of the second voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut, printed at Antwerp circa 1504 (1874)
Case of the colonists of the eastern frontier of the Cape of Good Hope, in reference to the Kaffir Wars of 1835-36 and 1846 (1879)
Cetywayo and his white neighbours ; or, remarks on recent events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal 1896
Cetshwayo’s Dutchman; being the private journal of a white trader in Zululand during the British invasion 1880
Chants for the Boer (1900)
Charge! (1890)
Chronicles of Cape commanders : or, An abstract of original manuscripts in the archives of the Cape Colony, dating from 1651 to 1691 (1882)
Commando A Boer Journal Of The Boer War
Cromwell on foreign affairs, together with four essays on international matters (1901)
Crown and charter : the early years of the British South Africa Company 1974
Dr. Jameson (1908)
Dr. Jameson’s radiers vs. the Johannesburg reformers (1897)
Ethnography and condition of South Africa before A.D. 1505 1919
Facts of the attempted assassination of President Kruger in February, 1898 (19000)
Fifteen months among the Kaffirs 1895
Fifty years of the history of the republic in South Africa (1795-1845) (1899)
Five years in Kaffirland; with sketches of the late war in that country, to the conclusion of peace 1848
Forty years among the Zulus 1891
From Capetown to Ladysmith, an unfinished record of the South African War(19000)
General Botha, the career and the man (1916)
History and Ethnography of South Africa before 1795 1909
History of the battles and adventures of the British, the Boers and the Zulus in Southern Africa
History of the emigrant Boers in South Africa; or The wanderings and wars of the emigrant farmers from their leaving the Cape Colony to the acknowldegment of their independence by Great Britain (1888)
History of the war in South Africa : containing an authentic account of the great struggle between the British and the Boers (1900)
History of the Zulu war and its origin 1880
How we made Rhodesia 1896
Imperialism in South Africa 1881
Impressions of South Africa 1897
In new South Africa: travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia 1896
In the court of history : an apology for Canadians who were opposed to the South African war (1902)
In South Africa with Buller (1900)
In the ranks of the C.I.V.; a narrative and diary of personal experiences with the C.I.V. battery (Honourable Battery Company) in South Africa 1901
Introductory remarks to a narrative of the irruption of the Kafir hordes into the Eastern Province of the Cape of Good Hope, A.D. 1834-35 1835
Jan Christian Smuts
Jock of the bushveld (1908)
Johannesburg in arms, 1895-96; being the observations of a casual spectator (1896)
Kafir socialism and the dawn of individualism; an introduction to the study of the native problem 1908
Khaki crusaders. With the South African artillery in Egypt and Palestine 1919
Kloof and karroo: Sport, legend and natural history in Cape Colony, with a notice of the game birds, and of the present distribution of antelopes and larger game 1889
Kruger’s Secret Service (1900)
Click to access krugerssecretser00londrich.pdf
Labour and other questions in South Africa; being mainly considerations on the rational and profitable treatment of the coloured races living there 1903
Ladysmith; the diary of a siege 1900
Letters from an uitlander, 1899-1902 1903
Life in South Africa 1877
Lodges in the wilderness 1915
Lovedale, South Africa : its aims, principles, and results 1890
Malaboch; or, Notes from my diary on the Boer campaign of 1894 against the chief Malaboch of Blaauwberg, district Zoutpansberg, South African Republic, to which is appended a synopsis of the Johannesburg crisis of 1896
Memoir respecting the Kaffers, Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa 1845
Muriel Sterling; a tale of the African veldt (1900)
My command in South Africa, 1874-1878 : comprising experiences of travel in the colonies of South Africa and the independent states 1880
My diocese during the war 1900
My escape from the Boers (1900)
My experiences of the Boer War (1901)
My life and times 1907
My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer war (1905)
My South African year 1921
Narrative of an expedition into southern Africa, during the years 1836, and 1837, from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the tropic of Capricorn, with a sketch of the recent emigration of the border colonists, and a zoological appendix (1838)
Natal, the state and the citizen 1904
Natal, Cape of Good Hope. A grazing, agricultural, and cotton growing country. Comprising descriptions of this well-endowed colony, from the year 1575 to the present time 1850
Natalia: a condensed history of the exploration and colonisation of Natal and Zululand. From the earliest times to the present day 1897
Natal : a reprint of all the authentic notices, descriptions, public acts and documents, petitions, manifestoes, correspondence, government advertisments and proclamations, bulletins and military despatches relative to Natal with a narrative of events at that settlement (1843)
Native law and custom; being a compendium of the recognised native customs in force in the native territories of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, together with legislative amendments, and reports of some of the more important decisions of the native appeal court of Griqualand East, 1901-1909 1911
Native life on the Transvaal border 189?
Natives under the Transvaal flag 1900
Of European descent 1909
Old cape Colony : a chronicle of her men and houses from 1652 to 1806 1903
On Commando (1902)
On the heels of De Wet (1902)
Oom Paul’s people : a narrative of the British-Boer troubles in South Africa, with a history of the Boers, the country, and its institutions (1899)
Origin of the Anglo-Boer War revealed : the conspiracy of the 19th century unmasked (19000)
Outa Karel’s stories : South African folk-lore tales 1914
Paul Kruger and his times (1898)
Paul Kruger and the Transvaal judiciary: his violations of the Constitution, and his destruction of the independence of the High Court of the Transvaal (1900)
Paul Kruger; the life story of the President of the Transvaal (19000)
Papers on the political situation in South Africa, 1885-1895 1903
Peace or war in South Africa (1901)
Petticoat pilgrims on trek 1909
Pictorial history of South Africa 1938
Pioneers in South Africa 1914
President Kruger’s retrogressive policy (1900)
Proclamations, Notices, and Regulations in Force in the Native Territories of the Cape Colony 1896
Progress of South Africa in the century 1902
Raid and Reform (1898)
Rambles through the archives of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, 1688-1700 1887
Report by Her Majesty’s agent at Pretoria, on the session of the Volksraad of the South African Republic in 1888 (1888)
Report on the outbreak of the rebellion and the policy of the government with regard to its suppression (1915)
Rhodesia and its government 1989
Rhodesia, past and present 1897
Rights and wrongs of the Transvaal War 1902
Secret service in South Africa 1911
Select constitutional documents illustrating South African history, 1795-1910
Click to access selectconstituti00eybeiala.pdf
Sketches of Kafir life 1905
Some Zulu customs and folk-lore 1905
South Africa, its history, heroes and wars (1899)
South Africa: the Union of South Africa, Rhodesia, and all other territories south of the Zambesi 1917
Specimens of Bushman folklore 1911
State regulation of social vice at the Cape of Good Hope (1895)
Surgical experiences in South Africa 1899-1900; being mainly a clinical study of the nature and effects of injuries produced by bullets of small calibre (1913)
Swallow; a tale of the Great trek 1899
Ten weeks in Natal. A journal of a first tour of visitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal 1855
Ten years in India, in the 16th Queen’s Lancers : and three years in South Africa, in the Cape Corps Levies.First Afghan Campaign, The Maharatta War, The Sheik War, including battles of Ghuznee, Maharajpoor, Aliwal, Cabul, Buddewal, Sobraon, and Kaffir War of 1850-51 1880
The African Colony: Studies in the Reconstruction (1903)
The Africanders: a century of Dutch-English feud in South Africa
The Africander Land 1906
The Afrikander rebellion: South Africa to-day 1915
The aftermath of war; an account of the repatriation of Boers and natives in the Orange River colony, 1902-1904 (1906)
The American Revolution and the Boer War: An Open Letter to Mr. Charles Francis Adams 1902
The Anglo-African who’s who and biographical sketch-book 1905
The Anglo-Boer conflict; its history and causes 1900
The Anti-British Crusade in South Africa (1900)
The antiquity of man in South Africa, and evolution 1890
The Asiatic danger in the colonies 1907
The Backward Peoples and Our Relations with Them 1920
The Bawenda of the Spelonken (Transvaal); a contribution towards the psychology and folk-lore of African peoples 1908
The Boers and the cause of the war in South Africa
The Boer states; land and people (1900)
The Boers and the Uitlanders (1901)
The Boers in war; the story of the British-Boer war of 1899-1900 (1900)
The capture of De Wet : the South African rebellion, 1914 (1915)
The chartered millions; Rhodesia and the challenge to the British Commonwealth 1920
The City of Pretoria and districts : an official handbook describing the social, official, farming, mining, and general progress and possibilities of the administrative capital and surrounding districts 1913
The colonials in South Africa, 1899-1902 : their record, based on the despatc (1907)
Click to access colonialsinsouth00stiruoft.pdf
The colony of Natal; an official illustrated handbook and railway guide 1895
Click to access colonyofnataloff00ingr.pdf
The complete story of the Transvaal from the “Great trek” to the convention of London 1885
Click to access completestoryoft00nixo.pdf
The diamond hunters of South Africa (1889)
Click to access diamondhuntersof00dray.pdf
The diamond industry of South Africa 1895
Click to access diamondindustryo00unse.pdf
The diamond mines of South Africa 1904
Click to access diamondminesofso01willrich.pdf
Click to access diamondminesofso02will.pdf
The diary of Adam Tas (1705-1706) 1914
Click to access diaryofadamtas00tasa.pdf
The Dominion of Afrikanderdom, recollections pleasant and otherwise 1923
Click to access dominionofafrika00moltuoft.pdf
The early annals of Kokstad and Griqualand East 1902
Click to access earlyannalsofkok00dowe.pdf
The education of the South African native 1917
Click to access educationofsouth00lorauoft.pdf
The English and the Dutch in South Africa : a historical retrospect (1896)
Click to access englishdutchinso00with.pdf
The far interior: a narrative of travel and adventure from the Cape of Good Hope across the Zambesi to the lake regions of Central Africa 1886
Click to access farinteriornarra01kerriala.pdf
Click to access farinteriornarra02kerr.pdf
The first annexation of the Transvaal (1906)
Click to access cu31924028747198.pdf
The first year among the Bariosi on the Zambesi : in continuation of From Natal to the Upper Zambesi 188?
Click to access firstyearamongth00arno.pdf
The Fish River bush, South Africa, and its wild animals 1901
Click to access fishriverbushsou00blac.pdf
The French refugees at the Cape 1921
Click to access frenchrefugeesat00both.pdf
The gospel in Zululand : 1844-1944 1944
Click to access gospelinzululand00norw.pdf
The government of South Africa 1908
Click to access governmentsouth00afrigoog.pdf
Click to access governmentofsout04centiala.pdf
Click to access governmentofsout23garr.pdf
Click to access governmentofsout02centiala.pdf
The Great Gold Lands of South Africa (1891)
Click to access smith-r-great-1891-RTL010387-LowRes.pdf
The great thirst land: a ride through Natal, Orange free state, Transvaal, and Kalahari desert 188
Click to access greatthirstlandr00gillrich.pdf
The history of the great Boer trek and the origin of the South African republics (1(1900)
Click to access historyofgreatbo00cloeiala.pdf
The history of the Orange Free State 1885
Click to access historyoforangef00boon.pdf
The imperial raid in South Africa 1901
Click to access imperialraidinso00hannuoft.pdf
The Jew in South Africa 1905
Click to access jewinsouthafrica00hert.pdf
The Jew in the economic life of South Africa 192?
Click to access jewineconomiclif00grayrich.pdf
The Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu country 1857
Click to access kafirsofnatalzul00shoorich.pdf
The Kaffir War : a letter addressed to the Right Honourable Earl Grey, Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, containing remarks on the causes of the present war, and the payment of its expences, the means of prevention, etc. 1851
The kaleidoscopic Transvaal 1906
The key to South Africa: Delagoa Bay 1899
The kingdom of the Barotsi, Upper Zambezia: a voyage of exploration in Africa, returning by the Victoria Falls, Matabeleland, the Transvaal, Natal, and the Cape 1899
The last Boer war 1900
The law relating to the solemnization of marriages in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope 1903
The life and adventures of Dr. Livingstone in the interior of South Africa 1870
The life and labors of David Livingstone, LL. D., D.C.L., covering his entire career in Southern and Central Africa. Carefully prepared from the most authentic sources … The whole rendered clear and plain by a most accurate map of the whole region explored and the routes clearly indicated 1875
The life and times of Sir Richard Southey, K.C.M.G., etc., formerly colonial secretary of the Cape Colony and lieut.-governor of Griqualand West 1904
The Life of Andrew Murray of South Africa 1919
The Life of Jameson (1922)
The lives of Robert & Mary Moffat 189?
The land of the Boer; or, Adventures in Natal, the Transvaal, Basutoland, and Zululand 18??
The language question in the Orange River Colony, 1902-1910. (Including certain papers and correspondence connected therewith) 1910
The Mafeking Mail (1899)
The Memoirs of Paul Kruger’s (1902)
The Mobile Boer; being the record of the observations of two brugher officers (1902)
The nation and the empire : being a collection of speeches and addresses 1913
The national resources of South Africa 1922
The native problem of South Africa 1903
The natives of South Africa, their economic and social condition 1901
The native races of South Africa : a history of the intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the hunting grounds of the Bushmen, the aborigines of the country 1905
The Native tribes of the Transvaal 1905
The origin of the Xosas and others 1911
The past and future of the Kaffir races 1866
The South African commonwealth 1919
The South African conspiracy; or, The aims of Afrikanderdom 1900
Our controlled press : how public opinion is smothered 192?
The South African question 1899
The peace negotiations between the governments of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, and the representatives of the British government, which terminated in the peace concluded at Vereeniging on the 31st May, 1902 1912
The problems of race relations in South Africa 1950
The pre-historic period in South Africa 1910
The sequence of events in the South African question, 1881-1901 1901
The ridge of the white waters (“Witwatersrand”); or, Impressions of a visit to Johannesburg, with some notes of Durban, Delagoa bay, and the low country 1912
Lord Milner’s work in South Africa : from its commencement in 1897 to the peace of Vereeniging in 1902 1913
The relief of Ladysmith 1900
The reconstruction of the new colonies under Lord Milner1913
Click to access reconstructionof01worsuoft.pdf peril in Natal 1906
The pioneers of empire : being a vindication of the principle and a short sketch of the history of chartered companies, with especial reference to the British South Africa Company 1896
The pioneers of Mashonaland : (men who made Rhodeia) 1914
The present position among the Zulus, 1893, with some suggestions for the future 1893
The Raid on the Transvaal (1897)
The real Kruger and the Transvaal; the Britons’ side, the Boers’ side, the historical facts (1900)
The rise and fall of Krugerism; a personal record of forty years in South Africa ((19000)
The ruin of Zululand : an account of British doings in Zululand since the invasion of 1879 … Being a sequel to The history of the Zulu war 1884
Click to access ruinofzululandac01coleuoft.pdf religious system of the Amazulu. Izinyanga zokubula; or, Divination, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words 1885
The settlement after the war in South Africa (1900)
The story of an African crisis; being the truth about the Jameson raid and Johannesburg revolt of 1896, told with the assistance of the leading actors in the drama (1897)
The story of the Boers : narrated by their own leaders : prepared under the authority of the South African Republics 1900
The story of South Africa : an account of the historical transformation of the dark continent by the European powers and the culminating contest between Great Britain and the South African Republic in the Transvaal War 1899
The Transvaal and Bechuanaland 1883
The Transvaal and Its Mines: (The Encyclopedic History of the Transvaal) 1906
The Transvaal crisis 1899
The Transvaal trouble, how it arose 1900
The Union of South Africa 1909
The Union of South Africa : with chapters on Rhodesia and the Native Territories of the High Commission 1913
The young colonists; a story of the Zulu and Boer Wars 1898
The story of the Zulus 1911
The South African Republic Speech of Hon. Richard F. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, in the Senate
The South African native problem, a suggested solution; being a paper read before the Union Club of South Africa, and the Native Affairs Society of the Transvaal, on 14th October, 1909 1909
The South African republics, vs. Great Britain (1900)
The struggle of the Dutch republics. (Open letter to an American lady.) (1900)
The Transvaal and the Boers; a brief history (1896)
The Transvaal from within; a private record of public affairs (1899)
The Transvaal trouble (1900)
The Transvaal War, 1880-81 1885
The trial of Dinuzulu on charges of high treason at Greytown, Natal, 1908-09 (1969)
The Truth about the Jameson Raid (1918)
The truth about the Transvaal (1881)
The truth about the Transvaal, gathered from the despatches between the British and Boer governments, and the official report of the Bloemfontein conference ; an address delivered by request, in the Opera House, Windsor, Ontario, on February 6th, 1900
The Truth about the Transvaal: A Record of Facts Based Upon Twelve Years’ Residence in the Country (1902)
The truth about the War : an open letter to Dr. A. Conan Doyle (1902)
The War against the Dutch Republics in South Africa : its origin, progress, and results (1901)
The war in South Africa : its causes and effects (1900)
The white tribe of Africa : South Africa in perspective (1981)
The Zulu yesterday and to-day; twenty-nine years in South Africa 1916
Three years’ war (1903)
Through the Zulu country; its battlefields and its people 1883
Towards Pretoria; a record of the war between Briton and Boer, to the relief of Kimberley (1900)
Travels and adventures in eastern Africa, descriptive of the Zoolus, their manners, customs, etc. etc. with a sketch of Natal 1836
Under the vierkleur; a romance of a lost cause (1904)
Vengeance as a policy in Afrikanderland; a plea for a new departure 1901
Via Rhodesia; a journey through southern Africa 1911
War in South Africa and the Dark continent from savagery to civilization : The strange story of a weird world from the earliest ages to the present, including the war with the Boers (1899)
War’s brighter side : the story of “The Friend” newspaper edited by the correspondents with Lord Robert’s forces, March-April, 1900 (1901)
White Man’s Africa (1900)
Who’s who at the war (1900)
Willem Adriaan van der Stel and other historical sketches (1913
With Bobs and Krüger; experiences and observations of an American war correspondent in the field with both armies 1901
With Botha in the field 1915
With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange free state in 1880-1 (1884)
Click to access withboersintrans00norr.pdf
With the guns in South Africa 1901
Zulu land; its wild sports and savage life (1879)
Zululand and the Zulus: their history, beliefs, customs, military system, home life, legends, etc., etc., and missions to them 1879
Zululand : a mission tour in South Africa 1862
Video: APARTHEID: Why didnt White South Africans just slaughter MILLIONS of Blacks?
In this video we look at Apartheid in its proper context. Was Apartheid really intended to be VIOLENT? Were the Whites trigger-happy and keen to just slaughter Blacks in great massacres? Is the new South Africa more peaceful than under White rule?
the Dot