Are there enemy psyops going on regarding the Boers? – The Bizarre Lost Continent of Atlantis story


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HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.

In my meetings with Boers and discussions with people, there was a man I met, who was extremely keen to talk to me, and I ignored him.

For many reasons I did not feel comfortable with what he was doing.

But the most bizarre piece of junk I heard out of his mouth, which he was trying to interest me in, had to do with his bizarre claim that the Boers can somehow be traced back to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. WTF???

He kept talking about it. It certainly raised my eyebrows. I don’t want to discuss such total shit.

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Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.

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