4 Charts: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Charts of how the GDP collapsed from White to Black rule
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Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.
Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.
[I chuckled at that graphic. Don’t use Zimbabwe dollars or cardboard in the toilet. That’s because of the hyper inflation which came later and people joked that Zimbabwe dollars were cheaper than toilet paper!
I found various GDP charts from different sources which show how the GDP changed over the years. Since they cover different time periods I’m putting them all up below and then I’ll just explain the basic points which will give context. Rhodesia to Zimbabwe … yet another “successful” Jewish Communist experiment! Jan]
You can read it here: https://wp.me/p8wSEO-10i
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S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...
S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...