Video & Audio: Rhodesian Bush War: Black artillery goes very wrong!


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Dr William Pierces greatest quote: The Destiny of the Race
Dr William Pierce said many great and deep things. But the quote that really hits me in the pit of my stomach is this one.

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Here is a very funny story from the Rhodesian War, from 1977 when a group of 40 black “special forces” infiltrated into Rhodesia to launch a night attack on an FAF (Forward Airfield) using mortars, machine-guns, AK47s and RPG7s. They were firing lots of tracer rounds at the FAF and the Rhodesian army base next to it.

In here, I also mention a Rhodesian invention, a type of wire mesh which actually worked, which catches incoming mortar shells and prevents them from damaging our small, but very critically important, air force!

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White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Mugs: Mothers Day Mug, Hitler, Hess & many more
However there are a lot of mugs, including 3 poster mugs where you can choose from combinations of posters. In total there are 23+ different variations of these beautiful mugs.

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