Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.
This was a reply to a supporter who sent me a note. The link to the video is at the bottom. I wrote: Yes, I saw a little video where his father was chatting to a local black South africa. I’ve not looked at your video yet, but yes, his Mother’s family were Canadian Nazis. His mother was apparently a very successful model too. Now people are fans of hers in China!!!! 🙂 The fact that he grew up in Pretoria, mystified me and it made no sense, because Pretoria is a fully Afrikaner city and remains so to this day actually – even now. He had to have been exposed to a LOT of Afrikaners, and to that society. Though he went to a type of Jewish school I think. That weird NAZI salute of his is no doubt a calculated move, but Elon Musk has also described himself as Jewish – not as religious but let’s say culturally. Elon Musk is living in the middle of 2 worlds, and he needs to find himself. I think he himself is discovering more about many things since his journey into X.
I’ve now watched the video you sent where this Black American discusses Elon Musk. I see he did the NAZI salute TWICE during the inauguration.
The Black American says that maybe Elon did this ACCIDENTALLY. I totally differ. I looked at the film footage. Everything Elon Musk did for such a critically important event was thought out beforehand. There is absolutely no question that he PRACTISED THIS BEFOREHAND. I cannot imagine him doing it off the cuff. This was a calculated move on his behalf. Perhaps it is his version of NAZI-Virtue-Signalling. But he still has a lot to account for. Maybe Elon will mutate into whatever he believes is socially acceptable and maybe he has tendencies in the right direction. Being as high profile as he is, he can experience tremendous flak. He can also joke it away later. Elon Musk will have to pick which side he is on. Currently he is playing both sides. In the end he needs to choose a side and stick to it. He certainly never defended Apartheid or Afrikaners. It’s his mother’s side, the Canadian side, that is NAZI. Again, this should show you the links between Apartheid and NAZISM. As I have pointed out many times: Apartheid (which is really Segregation on steroids), is the BABY BROTHER OF APARTHEID. Clearly his Canadian Family saw that too. This is absolutely true. The early National Party was even antisemitic, but the only guy who remained a true (closet) NAZI was: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd whom the Jews murdered. I liked your video. And if you watch carefully, the Black South African is NOT IMPRESSED when he hears about Elon Musk’s Mother’s side! Watch his face when Elon Musk speaks to him. He’s trying to understand, but that Black guy is HATING WHAT HE IS HEARING!!! I’m also watching Musk. I’m not really a fan of his. I’ve never seen him lift a finger for White South Africans and I hated his Paypal. They shut my account down 7 times and stole $200 from me. I have contempt for what he started. He never at any time stood up for Whites. Maybe he will mutate when he feels safer that the Racists are winning. Let’s see.
Here’s the video:
2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.