VERY IMPORTANT: Suidlanders: Simon Roche: 4 Emails regarding money collected in the USA – MelVe & Faith Goldy – LAST CHANCE!
V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.
[Below are 4 emails between Melve of Conscious Consumer Network to Simon Roche of the Suidlanders. Melve is the person who “launched” Simon Roche and the Suidlanders into the international arena in 2017 which resulted in the big 6 Month Suidlander fundraising tour to the USA. Now, just over a year later, Melve had been receiving credible information from different sources that were making her concerned about the activities of Simon Roche and the Suidlanders and the monies they have received from US sources. Melve publishes quarterly financial statements on her website of any fund raising activities that she is involved in so that there is transparency with regard to public funding. She was concerned by the activities of the Suidlanders and Simon Roche. That is what set off these emails below.
When Simon Roche replied, he told her that he was blind-copying people who he had mentioned in the email. He did not mention the Southern AF Podcast, but Jeff of the Southern AF Podcast was the person who received this email directly and forwarded it to me. So nobody knows how many people he blind-copied when he sent out this email.
I deleted the surname of the woman, Vanessa whom he referred to. I also deleted Melve and Faith Goldy’s email addresses. Otherwise these emails are exactly as I received them, including spelling mistakes, etc.
Some points about these emails:-
1. Simon Roche does not sound like a true right winger. He makes some disparaging remarks about the AWB (Afrikaner Weerstands Beweeging) (Translation: Afrikaner Resistance Movement). I have mentioned in my videos that the AWB were the main group that I received information about, who defended the whites in Coligny and Lichtenburg in 2017. They and their 50+ right wing alliance partners actively help white people who are in trouble and threatened by black violence.
2. Most of his email relates to attacks on Vanessa who toured with him in Texas and who also gave talks along with him about the state of South Africa. If you see the dates he gives, he spent less than a month with her. But he blames her for experiencing problems during his 6 month tour of the USA.
3. Faith Goldy says that his statements about Vanessa are incorrect. (I did not receive the screen shot from the email which had been sent). But she includes a screen shot which clearly contradicts what Simon Roche says about Vanessa.
4. See Melve’s analysis in Email 4 of Simon Roche’s reply to her questions.
5. I have received other information about the amount of monies that Simon Roche received in the first month when he was in the USA. I won’t disclose the amount. However, he portrays the entire 6 month tour as full of hardship and a shortage of cash. But when he first went to the USA, I think my Suidlander contacts at the time indicated that the tour would be 2 months long. But due to its success it ended up lasting 6 months. I also have reason to believe that Churches in the USA are donating monies to the Suidlanders. This is also not mentioned below. Melve’s analysis of his reply is that he is dodging the original question and has something to hide. You can read her assessment in the 4th email.
6. Take note of Melve’s statement that the Jewess Lauren Southern is lying when she claims that her documentary was the first. Melve says that she did a comprehensive documentary called The Last of the Boers in 2013. The point here is that the Jewess Lauren Southern is lying in her claims. Notice Simon Roche’s extremely dodgy answer to Melve’s accusation.
7. Take special note of Faith Goldy’s email wherein she discusses her plan to come to South Africa to make a documentary about the plight of the whites. She states that she had worked with the Suidlanders for months and was ready to get on a plane here when the Suidlanders pulled the plug on her and brought in the Jewess Lauren Southern instead. In her email she says she had purchased tickets, had vaccinations, etc and was ready to come to South Africa when the Suidlanders pulled the plug on her!
8. I have interviewed Melve to ask her directly about her association with Simon Roche and also to discuss these emails and her assessment of them. The video will be uploaded shortly.
Simon Roche appears quite often on InfoWars with the Jewish shill and fake “patriot” Alex Jones who was married to a Jewess and who has many Jews working with him. I think he even feigned divorcing his Jewish wife some time back in order to regain some credibility. Alex Jones is as slimy as they get. He’s the ultimate fake patriot. He also has a burning hatred of Jeff Rense, who in the past has exposed many historical lies. Alex Jones is an “Israel Firster”. He also talks about “the evil global elite” who according to him are all NAZIS! But when his credibility runs really low he will pretend for about a day to tell the truth to fool everyone, like the one time when he interviewed Dr David Duke and allowed him to tell the truth about the lying Jews. He tells the truth for a day and then returns to shilling for the Jews for the rest of the year non-stop! He’s a true scumbag. Jan]
Email No 1: Melve to Simon Roche
On 06/02/2018 21:23, MelVe wrote:
Dear Simon
Hoping your are fab and flourishing.
Firstly, I believe Suidlanders is behind the documentary with Lauren Southern. Thank you so much for this, she did a great job. However our team has to question her marketing tactic with regards to the release of this film, claiming it is the first of it’s kind… which is not true. There have been others documentaries done on this subject including my documentary LAST OF THE BOERS, which was released back in 2013 and was banned on all free download platform. A few people have brought this to my attention, and as much as I think Lauren and her team have done a really great job, the “Americanized” marketing spin to promote the documentary is not appreciated by those who know that the claims of it being the first of it’s kind, is completely true. It shows a total lack of respect for those who came before and who have paid the ultimate price for the exposure of this information. Please could you communicate to Lauren and her team to adjust the way they market the documentary.
Secondly, Having just come out of a conference call with a few very influential people in our extended international networks, I have been been confronted regarding my part in launching you into the public arena and supporting Suidlanders. There is claims that the funding you have raised has been misappropriated. Having given you free air time on our publicly funded network to begin your media campaign in order to raise money for Suidlanders, I of course have to do my due diligence regarding what I am responsible for. So I am asking you to be honest with me regarding how much money was raised and to provide proof of what it has been used for.
You do not seem like the kind of person who would make money of the suffering of his own people, which is what you are being accused of. So I would like to ask you to get in touch with me at your earliest convenience for a video Skype call, so that I can be fair and hear your side, and obtain the financial information that I have requested. If people are blackening your name, I will defend you. But I am warning you that this is a melting pot of disaster, and a few people are ready to go to the police and SARS regarding this matter. The only thing standing between you and that situation is me, because I have been accused of being in cahoots with you, and I have been given a chance to clear up the confusion by presenting the requested financial information. I have asked for patience whilst I do my due diligence and verify these claims for myself with you, as we have a good relationship. My reputation, as well as the reputation of my entire network is at stake here, and it looks as if I may be subject to prosecution too, so please, lets have a chat and clear these matters up. I have worked very hard for over a decade to build up my credibility in the world of independent media, and sacrificed much to purvey the truth about South Africa, and many other matters. I gave you time on our networks in good faith that you were doing a good thing, I hope this is still the case, otherwise we are all going to be in trouble.
Looking forward to catching up at your earliest convenience
Kindest Regards
Mel Ve
Email No 2: Simon Roche replies to MelVe
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 1:19 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Dear Mel,
Thanks for writing to me, it is lovely to hear from you. Unfortunately, I am going to have to be brief – or at least as brief as possible, because of my workload.
I have blind-copied people whose names I have taken the liberty to mention below, and a handful of people who have expressed concern about Vanessa (Deleted)’s and Jan Lamprecht’s campaigns over many months.
- Suidlanders was not so much behind Lauren Southern’s documentary as much as we hosted her and introduced her to our contacts. We did not have any input into what they “made” of it all.
- I do not ever look at/watch/listen to any video or interview in which I am involved. It makes me cringe. Therefore I can only comment “at a disadvantage”, so to speak. Never the less, let’s try.
- when it comes to calling her film the first of its kind, if she means “of all documentaries ever made about South Africa from a conservative perspective” then she is clearly wrong and people like you and Sinead McCarthy possess a better claim.
- if, however, she means “I was the first to spend time across almost half of the country and to produce a whole series of different videos on the ground and not from thousands of miles away, covering different aspects from the drought to the opinions of senior ANC leaders” then I should think that she is well within her rights. I don’t know of anyone who has done even nearly what she did.
- Also note: nobody except her film team and me (slightly), knows yet what all of what Lauren is working on within this project. Unless I am mistaken, she has not yet revealed half of the project. It is indeed, in that particular sense – if that is the sense intendede. the sense of scale, very probably the first effort of it’s kind.
- None the less, I have conveyed your sentiments to Lauren out of sheer respect for you and Biggie (please give him my warmest regards, he seems a good man).
- the allegations to which you allude below have been going on since late May/early June after I broke up with my former girlfriend in the USA, Vanessa (Deleted). Almost every one of them stems (originally) from her and no-one else. I have avoided getting into an unchivalrous public dispute with Vanessa in spite of her relentless lies across the length and breadth of the internet. Fortunately, and thank the Lord for it, I have witnesses to the shenanigans that prompted me to part ways with Vanessa (not that there weren’t other compelling reasons); indeed, of them, four people approached me on five occasions over two or three days in Lake Austin, Austin, Texas to say “Get rid of that woman, she is toxic!” and “What on earth are you, Simon, doing with a woman like that?” after witnessing her nature.
- What is more, Vanessa (Deleted) and I parted ways at Austin airport with me carrying $1.37c in my pocket (nowhere to stay, no air ticket, and no car) after we had spent about a week unsuccessfully trying to get funds from South Africa, so, actually, she knows better than anyone else in the world that, far from raising $100,000s as she has apparently claimed, we struggled like anything to keep our heads above water. Indeed, she has been claiming that we misappropriated funds from the time we arrived in the USA. On what, I would dearly love to know.
- As a matter of interest to you, in Seattle we raised about $6,000, in Washington D.C. we raised almost exactly $2,000, in Philadelphia we raised something short of $1,000, in Memphis Tennessee we raised – if I remember rightly – about $1500, and in Wetumpka Alabama we raised almost exactly $2,000. Other than that, it was a matter of a few hundreds, or tens ($20 in Allentown Pennsylvania and $60 in Phoenix Arizona), or nil (precisely zero in Odessa Texas) – in all of the other 24 presentations over six months.
- That excludes online donations but you may take my word for it when I tell you that we have had very, very, very few meaningful online donations. In one ten day period we received $5.
- We never made the breakthrough that we had hoped for
- All things considered, it costs about $280 a day for two people to travel the USA.
- Do the arithmetic. Be as liberal as you like.
- For clarity:
- Vanessa joined me shortly before Andre Coetzee’s and my last presentation together in Texas shortly prior to Andre’s return to South Africa. I had met her in person for the first time on Saturday 29th April in San Francisco and then not seen her for a week or so.
- (Prior to meeting, we had courted by ‘phone since the week beginning Mon. 17 April. Vanessa telephoned me in Seattle to introduce herself as a professional admirer – for want of a better term).
- She arrived in Dallas on or about Monday 8th May.
- Andre Coetzee left USA to return to his family in South Africa on Saturday 13th May.
- I broke up with Vanessa on or about between Fri 26th and Sun 28th May
- Vanessa and I parted ways on Wednesday 31st May.
- For the duration, six months to the day, of the USA tour
- we stayed in Motel6es (the cheapest chain in USA)
- hired the cheapest cars
- and bought food almost exclusively from $5,00 taco stands, MacDonalds (only two meals a day to save money), and similar. During the entire six month period, we ate one home-cooked meal at IHR, three home-cooked meals at the home of Mr Phil Viccinelli, a half dozen home-cooked meals at the home of Mr Richard A. Hamblen, a week’s worth of home cooked meals when we stayed with a supporter in Dallas, three meals at Golden Corral, and two meals at Olive Garden (I mention those latter two restaurants by name because they were the only chain restaurants at which we ate that served food that was approximately non toxic and we did so out of sheer desperation for half-decent food, in spite of the fact that each of those meals was treble our $8 meal budget).
- Oh, and we were taken out to dinner at a taco place by Alex Newman in March, a burger place in Austin, a pub & grill in Houston, a pub & grill in Dallas, two pubs and grills in New Braunfels, a family restaurant in northern Pennsylvania, a diner-type place in New York City, a restaurant (twice) in Michigan in late April, a restaurant in Columbus Ohio, a diner in Columbus Ohio, a pub and grill in Columbus Ohio, a smart little place in San Francisco, a bar in San Francisco, and to a smart hotel restaurant in Seattle.
- Sacco Vandalone bought me food for four days, just as he bought me cigarettes and paid for my hotel
- Other than that, I cooked for myself on about a dozen occasions, for Vanessa twice or thrice, and we were treated to barbecues by Mr Brian Jacobsen and his wife Michelle (twice), a barbecue-cum-bondfire by I.E. of Austin Texas, and to one at a book burning in Columbus Ohio.
- Oh, yes, of course, Ms Gisela Wolfe of Celinah, Ohio, cooked us about ten meals
- Out of the 540 (6 months x 30 days in the month x 3 meals a day for most people) potential meals I could have eaten in USA, at least 450 of them were dirt cheap junk of the type that makes you sick because that is all we could afford.
- it took three days from our arrival for Andre and me to work up the courage to splash out on a (vital) local telephone for $30 a month
- for the first week we couldn’t even bring ourselves to buy a (vital) wireless router for $30
- and I caught Greyhound buses for over 4,000miles because, while I was with Vanessa (so she is well aware of this), my credit card was blocked because I had insufficient funds to pay for the cars we had hired (reconciled car hire bills come after the vehicles have been returned and only then do they execute a withdrawal against your account)
- riding on a Greyhound bus for 36hrs – along with meth addicts, prostitutes, and all sorts of other broken people, is not funny for a gown man, especially one blessed to grown up in a civilised home, to have civilised children, and to be battling for a civilised cause, and not for someone who had putatively plundered $100,000s and who would thus have been able to afford a couple of days’ car hire.
- What is more, having your only credit card blocked and then blacklisted while ten thousand miles from home is not something anyone would risk if they had money to prevent it
- So, I ask you, if I had been raising hundreds of thousands of dollars and if I had been pocketing at least some of it, surely I would have indulged myself i.e. as a typical SOuth AFrican brought up on proper food, in a few decent meals? That, as opposed to being committed to bed for five days by a doctor in Pittsburgh, and hospitalised in Sayre, Pennsylvania, with blood sugar levels over 20mmol/l i.e. 300% of the safe limit.
- Surely, I would have pretended to find a hundred dollars in my jacket pocket just so that Vanessa and I did not have to scrape together coins for our last pathetic, horrible, meals.
- Surely, I would have made up some clever excuse and miraculously had my credit card unblocked rather than sit stranded at Austin airport before begging Nicholas Rocker to rescue me ($513!!!!!) and fly me to Ohio
- I don’t know when you left South Africa, prior or post the NCR, NCA, and FICA credit regulations, but surely, I mean surely, if I was thieving money and I had cash secreted away, I would not have wrecked my creditworthiness by defaulting on my credit card, knowing that it will affect everything from my ability to buy a car or a house, and to open an account of any type, and even the rate at which I now pay interest upon my Supercall Cellular, Woolworths, Edgars, FNB Loan, and Mastercard debts. Surely, Mel?
- Surely, I would have miraculously found a few pennies to avoid traveling by Greyhound?
- Or, surely, I would have booked those Greyhound tickets with my card rather than have to politely plead with Mr Daniel Wolfe and his wife Gisela to book the ticket
- Surely, I would have not resorted to camping in the mosquito-ridden steaming woods of Alabama… in the rain for three days… in order to save every last penny – given that spending $150 of my last $220 on camping gear and tinned food was cheaper than three days and nights’ accommodation and meals
- Surely, I would have avoided camping in the rain at American Renaissance conference until American Freedom Party got wind of it and asked one of their members to vacate his hotel room, to double-up with another member, and then embarrassingly insist upon me accepting that hotel room as a gift from them
- Surely, I would have bought myself a cheap jacket, as per the very strict rules, to be admitted to the hall at American Renaissance rather than spend three whole days twiddling my thumbs until it was my turn to speak and then borrowing a jacket like a beggar from a third-world country and a third-class organisation. Huh, Mel?
- Surely, I would not have walked through the worst part of Lansing Michigan (not a sweet part of the world at the best of times) for an hour and a half to the freeway – carrying my luggage on my shoulder, before hitch-hiking under a bridge at 1:30AM (one thirty in the morning) from Lansing Michigan to Charlotte Michigan?
- what grown man does that voluntarily, Mel?
- Surely, I would not have WALKED for over an hour in high summer in a suit and tie, like an over-dressed hobo on a Sunday morning to the presentation I delivered in Charlotte Michigan because I just couldn’t afford the ten or fifteen dollars’ taxi fare
- Surely, I would have bought myself replacement clothing for the by-then-worn-out dress shoes, dress pants, and dress shirts I brought to America. And, surely, it would not have been the very first thing one of our supporters did to (sneakily go and) buy me two pairs of pants, two shirts, and a pair of shoes, after she discovered that I simply didn’t have anything else to wear but the threadbare shit I had on?
- Surely, surely, surely, Mel, if I was a lazy, parasitic thief, I would not have walked FOUR FUCKING HOURS, TWICE in midsummer, mostly along railway tracks (have you ever walked on railway tracks, Mel? Perhaps as a kid? If so, you will know that unless your legs are precisely 2 foot long and your stride is the same length, it is a very, very awkward, clumsy, mincing, ankle-twisting thing to do) and alongside the freeway, like a vagabond for all the world to see, from Charlotte Michigan to the nearest cellphone store and back again.
I am not going to slander Vanessa (Deleted) to the same bitter and twisted extent she has slandered me but I shall say this:
- the straw that broke the camel’s back for me was not Vanessa deliberately ripping the whole (proper porcelain-type) cistern (water tank) of the toilet off the wall in David Balabon’s father’s house and then smashing it to smithereens on the tiled floor, and flooding the guest room. It wasn’t that I had to buy a new cistern and pay for it to be fitted.
- By the way, the $500-odd that cost me is $500-odd of hardworking Americans’ money that I could have later spent on a motel – we could only stay at the Balabons’ home for a few days – for a week longer
- just to be clear, in case the sequence of events is not making sense: I broke up with Vanessa prior to her taking leave of me at Austin airport. In the intervening five-or-so days I did not have the heart to kick her out and she pleaded with me to reconsider and give her a second chance, told me about all sorts of wonderful interviews she had lined up for me, and told me that all of our problems would be solved when she inevitably won her $150,000,000 court case against the city of San Francisco, if only I would just…
- to be clear: Vanessa never explained why she ripped the porcelain cistern from the wall and pounded it on the floor. We speculated that it was a sort of psychotic episode but we are not psychiatrists
- it wasn’t the drunken tantrum she threw in front of our hosts for over an hour, the last fifteen minutes of it involving Vanessa rolling around on the floor of the lounge/piano room thrashing her legs about while wailing (shrieking and weeping) which eventually led to our host’s father insisting that we carry her bodily to bed against her will while she shrieked blue murder at us, and then locking her in the bedroom
- it wasn’t even that she daily participates in doxing conservatives who disagree with her! With the assistance of a chap called Dom – supposedly, I mean, I never met the guy but she showed me a photograph of him with masses of huge scars running across his naked scalp half an inch deep into his skull, who is a terminally ill (with recurring brain tumours) computer genius with a crush on her, she destroys people! One day, from the time she awoke in the morning, she sat in bed until 3:45PM in the afternoon, without getting out of bed except to go to the toilet once, a feat of sloth that I have never before witnessed in my life, and doxed ~eight conservatives who had the temerity to dispute something that one of her aliases had said on the internet
- it was not the insolent argument she held with my boss in Suidlanders for something like forty minutes
- it was that she tricked me into accepting an invitation to speak at an event arranged by her boss – as she called him, Augustus Invictus, in Florida. Note Carefully: I knew of this person as Augustus Invictus, not Sol Invictus; it sounded like a conceitedly-grand Latin pseudonym and nothing more than that. Fortunately for me, she pointedly asked me a question out of the blue about my feelings on paganism and animal sacrifice within half an hour of telling me about the event. It was an incongruous question: like asking the Pope whether he genuinely disliked Martin Luther; so it bothered me, a Calvinist Suidlander, a man whom she knows well; it made no sense at all to ask such an inane question; and she bluntly refused to be drawn on it any further. It was that stubborn refusal that convinced me that I was not being neurotic and that there was something amiss. So, I mulled it over for a few days until I reached the conclusion that there might be a connection between those two particular On a hunch I called the one person I knew well in Florida, Alex Newman of WND, and asked him if he knew of Augustus Invictus. Before I could explain further, Alex replied “Whoa! Keep away from him! You’ll lose all credibility as a representative of a Christian organisation if you have anything to do with him. On the other hand, don’t take my word for it. Let’s get an independent opinion. I know a guy who knows Augustus”. The rest is history. FYI, here is an illustration of the man in question
Since then, Vanessa (Deleted)
- has claimed that I only have sex with black women (ironically, Vanessa is not black and she knows full well that I have five white children from four white mothers),
- alternatively that I prefer sex with black women (I defy you to produce a single person to substantiate this claim; indeed, among all of the opprobrium hurled at me from within South Africa since being in the USA, including FIVE credible calls concerning death threats, not one person, particularly any black woman, has made this allegation – damning as it would be, because it is impossible to substantiate. Poppycock.
- A WhatsApp mesage she sent me contained a Satanic prayer using steganography (you can’t make this stuff up! It had to do with the Great American Eclipse, as a matter of interest to you),
- has claimed that I am a traitor to Suidlanders because I am not going to go to Suidlanders’ Final Destination – our famous Green Zone – in the event of war (which is true but the rub of the thing is, as I told Vanessa the following anecdote during pilowtalk one evening in a hotel in Midlands, Texas: “When I joined Suidlanders, Vanessa, I made it clear to the senior leaders (once to Oom Bertus Schwann and Andre Coetzee, then to Gustav Muller and Steve Meyer, then to Coenie Maree) that I would give my best to Suidlanders up until things go sour in South Africa whereupon I would gather my family at my parents’ house because it is in a region that will be the safest in South Africa. At first they were disappointed but I told them “Would you have preferred it if I had not told you the truth up front? Secondly, I have known my father my whole life long and my mother carried me in her womb. You, I have known for a few weeks. I will always and forever be more loyal to them than to you”. The uniform response was a variation of “Okay, fair enough”‘.
- She has removed much of what she wrote to me by WhatsApp from my account. I have no idea how she got it right and I cannot prove that it was her but who would you suggest?
- She contacted Faith Goldy and discouraged her from dealing with Suidlanders when she, Faith, was to visit South Africa. Instead, Vanessa said, Faith should deal with the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging!!!! Can you imagine how much harm that would have done to all concerned??? It’s like something out of Clockwork Orange: If that was not a deliberate act of sabotage then I don’t know what is.
Vanessa has done a good job of twisting almost every shred of information she has ever gained about me. Ironically, though, she did not to my knowledge exploit the two things I can think of which might have caused a genuine frisson of controversy, namely that I drink too much (mind you, I drink less than she does) and that I have a fetish for women calling me daddy in coitus (it’s endearing). One wonders.
Now, I am not going to go into matters concerning Vanessa – the person – which do not pertain to the work I am doing i.e. I am not going to address personal flaws or perfidies of intimacy. I could also be ferocious but, in that case, truthfully ferocious about actual things that exist in reality. I would not have to make it up to spite her.
To top it all off – she told me this explicitly, Vanessa is presenting herself as the (self-appointed) representative of South Africa on the USA right wing. Indeed, she told me to fuck off out of USA so that she and Augustus Sol Invictus could get on with the job. She is not and has never been South African. She hasn’t even ever lived permanently in South Africa. She has never stayed in, as opposed to visited for short periods of weeks once every five years or so, South Africa. Her father was but is no longer a South African and has not been for many. She knows nothing about South Africa: she has claimed in interviews (I am being serious, Mel, you can look this up for yourself) inter alia that South Africa has an official adoption policy whereby prospective adoptors may only be eligible to adopt a white child after they have adopted ten black children, South Africa’s income tax rate is the world’s highest, and that South Africa was in point of empirical fact the world’s richest country prior to the ANC assumption of power in 1994… and more utter rubbish ad infinitum. She doesn’t have a clue about the country, it’s peoples, history, facts and figures, and she has no first-hand knowledge of what is currently occurring. She has no background in activism or politics so she has not even a faint idea who is who and what is what. She blunders her way onward with chancy nonsense in jingoistic catch-phrases regurgitated from things she heard but couldn’t understand or chose wilfully to misrepresent (see next paragraph).
You might say that much of this tale is a clear case of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but I am not so sure that is the (entire) case. As a parent, you develop a reliable instinct for what your children are up to; dozens of little clues every day form dependable patterns. Similarly, numerous pieces of evidence have led me to believe that Vanessa set me up and that her project was to sabotage Suidlanders’ tour of USA. Who knows? Maybe I am mistaken, reading too much into Vanessa’s behaviours prior to our meeting, when we were together, and since. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not mistaken. However, time will tell.
As far as candidly telling you how much money we raised and providing you, personally(!?), with proof of its expenditure, I am astonished that you would ask. No, we are not going to reveal our donations, donors, and – implicitly, our tax status, to all and sundry who audaciously deem it their right to know. Dear me.
The best way for other people to judge the matter is in person. Since Vanessa began her libel campaign I have said to people that if they are not sure who to believe they should come and take a look for themselves. Not everyone can afford it but many can. We have offered to host people in our homes, which means that the actual hard costs of a week’s visit to South Africa lie almost entirely in the flight. Lodging and transport will be all-found. For $1500 or less anyone can come to Vanderkloof on the Orange River, see our virtual-HQ, visit Orania, perhaps shoot an antelope, hand-feed wild buffalo, meet farmers who have been attacked, see the region where JRR Tolkien was born and which identically matches his sketches of Middle-Earth, visit the nearby drought-stricken areas where the government has stolen (in some cases all) of the drought relief funds, and meet many interesting and even profound conservative characters, and so on. Hmmm? It makes sense to cut to the chase of the matter by checking it out, right? Let anyone who wants to do so come and see for themselves who we are, how we live, our community, the values we practise daily, the people with whom we associate (birds of a feather and “you know them by the friends they keep”), “who we are when we are home” as my dad would put it.
We are well-aware that these attacks will continue. You can read hundreds of articles on our Afrikaans website that prove that Suidlanders believes – almost above all other things – that we are a mortal foe to the immense powers that govern the world and that they will stop at nothing to destroy us. We are in the vanguard – frankly light years ahead of the right-wing of the USA and Europe, of a fight to the death against the New World Order, George Soros et al, communism, global capital, liberalism – what Siener van Rensburg called die doringbos (the thornbush). This is merely the beginning of what we will go through before it is all over.
Speaking of “these attacks”, in my next responsa I shall address allegations made by Vanessa’s partner in calumny, Jan Lamprecht.
I remain yours sincerely,
Simon Roche
Email No 3: Faith Goldy to Simon Roche
From: “Faith J Goldy”
To: “hk” <[email protected]>
Cc: MelVe
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 10:14:22 PM
Subject: Re: Questions
Hi all,
I would like to address the section of the email in which I am named alongside Vanessa (Deleted):
“She contacted Faith Goldy and discouraged her from dealing with Suidlanders when she, Faith, was to visit South Africa. Instead, Vanessa said, Faith should deal with the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging!!!! Can you imagine how much harm that would have done to all concerned??? It’s like something out of Clockwork Orange: schadenfreude. If that was not a deliberate act of sabotage then I don’t know what is.”
There would have been no sense in Vanessa discouraging me from working with Suidlanders as I already cut off ties with the organization after months of planning my journalistic mission there because Simon informed me via voice note that he suddenly, “urgently” was planning a trip for Lauren Southern shy of two weeks before I was set to arrive (after I purchased my tickets, equipment, received vaccinations, etc). At face value, I had my story scooped from me from a YouTube colleague and and a South African organization I had been committed to — days before I was set to depart. I had no interest in doubling up content or being in a foreign country with a group that undercut me before landing, so I explored several other options.
Regarding the allegation that Vanessa suggested I “should deal with Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging” — that is categorically incorrect. Coincidentally, an outside source suggested that was her intention, so I asked her point blank, to which she responded, “They’re extremist idk if that wld be wise” — screen shot evidence is included.
Thanks for your time.
Email No 4: Melve to Simon Roche
From: MelVe
Date: Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 3:27 AM
To: hk <[email protected]>
Dear Simon,
In light of Faith Goldy’s response to your email, I have doubts about the validity of the facts in your lengthly response to me. My first impression upon reading it, was that this was manic and contradictory on many fronts. Firstly you say you would keep it brief, then you go on to give me this long and involved exploration into a toxic relationship you engaged in whilst in America, blaming that for your woes. You then list the moneys you raised in various places, followed by a contradictory and rather foolhardy statement saying that you would not reveal the financials to “all and sundry”, yet you blind copied in a number of people that I have no idea of who they actually are. Surely if they are mentioned in the email, you should have openly copied them in rather than blind copying them. Your behaviour is that of a somebody that has something to hide.
The simple fact is Simon, if you wish to raise funds from the public using publicly funded networks, you are obligated to be transparent regarding what money was raised and how it was spent, particularly if you are brought into question by those who helped you in your efforts such as myself. I have no intention of publishing your financial details, nor will I be disclosing them to anybody, but I do have to answer to those who have called me into question for helping you. I have to tell them that a) I have followed up on the funds and all is accounted for, or b) There is reasonable cause for concern on their part regarding the funds raised for Suidlanders.
I am aware that this if your first time doing such an endeavour, and from the sounds of things, it may also be your last, but as someone who runs several ethical and accountable humanitarian projects, for which I raise public funds, I have to be accountable. All funds raised are shown on publicly accessible pages or funding campaigns where the total amounts raised are visible to all. I also do a quarterly review taking the form of a power point presentation, which I had in years past, broadcast live via our network CCN, in order to show how public funding has been spent. For goodness sakes, you are even expected to declare your earnings to the Revenue Services. This is something that has to be done by all in most countries of the world. This is not an unusual request. I have no intention of using this information against you, and if you have nothing to hide, you should welcome the opportunity to be open and transparent regarding the funding you have raised, and how it has been spent, particularly if you are called into question by those who have aided you in your endeavours.
I am sorry for all you suffered during your tour, it sounds like you had a hard time, but there are several comments in your letter which I found rather disingenuous and caused me some concern for the nature of your character, but I won’t get into that now as I wish to focus on what matters.
I am going to ask you one more time to please present me with details regarding the funding you have raised, and how it has been spent. That is the only details I am interested in at this point. Should you fail to do so, I will have to make a public statement regarding this issue, and it will be sent to all who have participated in giving you air time on their networks. Independent Media do not take kindly to being used by anybody raising funds and misappropriating them, under the aegis of pseudo humanitarian endeavours. This causes a trickle down effect resulting in funding pools drying up for genuine humanitarian causes, when people realise that they have been scammed.
Please consider my request for disclosure of the funds raised by Suidlanders, and how these funds have been / are being spent. I am available to you for a video call at any point, should you wish to share your screen to demonstrate your financial details rather than emailing them, but I will accept either video call or an email.
Kindest Regards
Mel Ve
S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.