VERY IMPORTANT: SA: The Zuma Riots: The Day the Indians KILLED the Blacks: Phoenix Massacre in Natal


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Video: The Greatest Terrorist attack on South Africa: SAA Flight 295: The Helderberg 1987
I wrote about The destruction of this Boeing 747 in my book Government by Deception. I made a multi-part video about it. I am fully aware of the junk stories people claim about it. I stand firmly by my original analysis.

Here is something extremely important that I’ve uncovered. This relates to the extreme violence of the Blacks in their attempts to do damage in the wake of the arrest of Zuma.

The Government has been trying to downplay and pretend that during the riots that there were no instances of actual killing – in the form of inter-racial fighting. However, I have been looking for information and I have video footage that shows definite fighting between Indians and Blacks.

Whites were also involved as were Security Companies which are probably mostly White owned.

I have found that during these riots, they now talk about the Phoenix Massacre. This seems to be the place where the most killing took place. Nobody knows the exact number but it could be that as many as 50 Blacks were killed. It is possible that they were killed by Indians and also by Whites, but especially by security companies.

In the general fighting in Durban/Natal, it is clear that there were quite a lot of Whites, and also Indians and White Security companies who were blocking the Blacks from causing damage and who were fighting them.

But the Phoenix Massacre seems to be the place where the greatest single killing of Blacks occured.

They talk about Blacks being found with gunshot wounds or with shotgun wounds. Shotguns are rarely used, so it sounds very much like the kind of weapon that would be used in a violent clash with large numbers of people. They say on one day they recovered 30 dead Blacks in the bush, and on the next day, 15 dead Blacks in the bush.

They also say that the Blacks were also cut with machetes. Some Blacks had gunshot wounds as well as machete wounds. This is very strange.

I have established that Phoenix is an INDIAN TOWNSHIP. It’s total population is approximately 170,000 people, but 85% of them are Indians/Asians and only 12% are Blacks.

There was also an instance, somewhere, where the Blacks attacked a Muslim Mosque.

Now don’t be fooled by the mention of "Asians". In Natal, you are looking at 99% of Asians being Indians. And the majority of Indians are also Muslims. I don’t know whether the Mosque that was attacked was in Phoenix, but that alone would have pissed off the Indians.

If there’s one thing that Whites are most unlikely to have or use, and that is a machete (panga). So I suspect and guess that the Blacks who were cut with machetes were actually cut by Indians perhaps. This is my best guess. I don’t know enough details. It is a strange kind of wound and normally machete’s are used exclusively by Blacks. I think it would be EXTREMELY RARE for Whites to even own them or to use them. Indians also would not seem likely, but you never know. Perhaps Indians would have got them from other Indians who own stores? The Indians own a lot of big businesses and would definitely serve Black customers. So it is theoretically possible that Indians may have obtained machetes from other Indian store owners as a form of defence. These are my best guesses.

A lot of these things will end up in court. But what is clear is that BLACKS including ANC members are now talking about the "racists" and that "racists" were behind the killings. But it seems to me that in Phoenix, most, if not all of the killings of Blacks were possibly perpetrated by the Indians in defence of their property.

NOTE: It is a fact, that in South Africa, you may kill someone who tries to destroy your property. I have come across information from an Afrikaans attorney who has spoken very openly about this. So if the Indians were killing the Blacks in defence of their property, then they’re legally right.

Also, the death toll, in from the regions show that in all of the Johannesburg violence, that a total of 79 people were killed. But the balance, of the 337 dead, were all in Natal, and probably of them, most in the Durban area.

Phoenix is a place to the north of Durban. This does add to my thoughts that the Zulus came down from the NORTH. The Zulu territory lies to the north.

There were also deaths from other, idiotic causes like Blacks getting drunk and then fighting over stuff.

What is critical is that the biggest battle ground was Phoenix and the Blacks now call this the Phoenix Massacre. This is going to become a big thing.

I suspect that, you will not find many or any Whites involved in this. Therefore, all this talk of "racists" now becomes twisted back on the INDIANS – which is quite a bizarre move.

Rest assured, out of this, will come many complications and twists.

But this is the first firm, documented proof that Indians did kill a large number of Blacks. I am quite astounded by the death toll of the Blacks since Indians are actually NOT good with weapons and not violence even when they are Muslims.

Historically, the Blacks, the Zulus actually, have wanted to genocide the Indians. They attempted this in 1949. The Whites came in and CRUSHED the Zulus physically, shooting them and beating them into submission thereby saving the Indians.

This is therefore a big ABOUT TURN in South African history. This must be the FIRST TIME EVER THAT INDIANS SLAUGHTERED BLACKS!

This is thus a MILESTONE in South Africans history!

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Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.

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