Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.
[This is yet another example of the bizarre setup in South Africa. The Police stations, run by the Government are themselves protected by Private Security companies! The Police can't protect themselves. I keep warning people that the Whites are far from finished. Even the MILITARY is PROTECTED by Private Security Companies, and the Government spends billions of Rands on paying for SECURITY for the Police and the Military! As the Blacks take over, the things they take over become LESS FUNCTIONAL… to the point of DYSFUNCTION. The SA Government spends a shocking R100 billion – which is $6.6 billion per annum! Just chew the cud on that! Now get this, the number of PRIVATE SECURITY people OUTNUMBER the Police by 4:1 … let that sink in… I recall, in about 2017, the Black Government was actually afraid that the Private Security companies had so many weapons … that THEY COULD OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT! … just ponder these things. Remember, I have been telling you … the Boers aren't finished… the Whites of SA … as insane as it may seem to you … are still a power to be reckoned with ON THE GROUND. If only the Whites themselves could perceive this. The main problem is LACK OF AMMUNITION … The Government clearly perceives the MILITARY THREAT… and so it is thinking of passing a bill that will massively hamper the ability of these private security companies to own firearms AND THEY WANT TO SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE HUNTING INDUSTRY! They see even HUNTING and the weapons we have for hunting … as a threat. But the point here is the POWER that is in the hands of the Whites even now. Let the Blacks shut these things down … the European people are amazingly creative… hehehehe. Jan]
It’s common knowledge the physical security of many South African police stations is entrusted to private security companies and while nowhere near as prevalent, the wider South African defense sector is also a user of private security.
Against this background a major player in the firearms, weapons and protection sector, Outdoor Investment Holdings, points out the national government spends R16 billion plus on contracts with private sector security companies.
“Unable to rely on the SA Police Service (SAPS) to secure the State, national government departments and other organs of State are engaged in hundreds of long-term private security contracts of various lengths, costing the fiscus over R16.9 billion.
“This does not include dozens of month-to-month contracts to which various departments and state-owned entities are party. It also does not include private security contracts involving provincial and local government,” Marco van Niekerk, Outdoor Investment Holdings chief executive said.
By his reckoning, the State spends close to R100 billion annually on private security contracts across all spheres and branches of government to provide services “that ought to be provided by police”.
Van Niekerk said it was not surprising the State was “so reliant” on the private security sector as police are incapable of preventing and investigating all crime.
A further indicator of the spread of private sector security comes from data published in November. It showed “actively employed private security officers outnumber police officers by four to one”.
The ever widening spread of private security Van Niekerk maintains makes it “incomprehensible” for the government to continue attempts to enact the Firearms Control Amendment Bill.
“Severe limitations on private security providers’ ability to possess ammunition will render the private security industry effectively unable to use force in fighting violent crime.
“The Bill makes it illegal to own a firearm for self-defence and imposes drastic limitations on hunting and sports shooting licences, which would bring the entire South African hunting industry to an end,” he said.
According to Police Minister Bheki Cele South Africans are murdered at a rate of 68 people a day as per the July/September crime statistics. The 6 163 murders included 897 women and 287 children. Other statistics Cele made public were 9 556 people raped in the same period, an increase of seven percent on the previous quarter. A massive 72 762 cases of common assault and assault with intention to do grievous bodily harm were also reported to police.
“The Bill will leave South Africans — and the State — solely reliant on an ailing police service with no clear plan to improve without the ability to protect themselves with firearms or contract with private security to do so,” Van Niekerk warns.
One example of private sector security in the public defence sector is Armscor. Private security companies are asked to tender for their services at Armscor headquarters in Pretoria as well as test facilities such as Alkantpan and Gerotek.
Suggestions were previously made to use military veterans or even Reserve Force soldiers as guards for these facilities. To date, the suggestions appear stillborn.
Video: Short Lesson: Dr William Pierce: How WW2 really started. What you were NOT told
How did WW2 begin? Dr William Pierce, was an aeronautical scientist who became a right winger in the USA.