S.African Govt Big COVID Vaccine Push over weekend – Over 60’s offered grocery voucher worth R100 ($7) after their vaccination


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[Crazy junk. Yes, the incentive for over 60s is R100 which is less than $7. I suspect this will work with the Blacks quite well. It seems to me about 28 million people have been vaccinated to some degree, which is about half the population. That's a pretty amazing number for South Africa. I steer clear of all this nonsense. Jan]

The South African government has announced another “Vooma Vaccination Weekend” for 12–14 November and intends to vaccinate 500,000 people.

“Help avoid the dull December we had in 2020. Join the 500,000 people who will be vaccinated this weekend and save 20,000 lives. Let’s crush the power of the 4th wave!” the Department of Health said.

Experts such as Salim Abdool Karim, Shabir Madhi, and Francois Venter have warned since August that South Africa should expect a fourth wave of coronavirus infections before year-end.

Abdool Karim, who served as chair of the government’s ministerial advisory committee on Covid–19, predicted that the fourth wave would start on 2 December and last about 75 days.

To help prepare for the anticipated fourth wave, the Department of Health is running vaccination drives to encourage people to get their jab.

“We now have more than 3,000 public and private vaccination sites across the country,” it stated.

It will also open additional sites over the weekend of 12–14 November.

The department emphasised that you don’t have to wait for an SMS to go for your shot.

“No bookings needed. Just walk in with ID, Passport, Asylum or Refugee number, and if you are between 12–17 you can bring your birth certificate.”

Incentives will also be offered for seniors to go and get their first Covid–19 vaccine dose.

From 1 November, people over 60 years old will get a grocery voucher worth R100 after their vaccination.

The “Vooma Voucher” will be sent via SMS to the cell number used to register for vaccination and is redeemable at Shoprite, Checkers or Usave stores across the country.

“Senior citizens are most vulnerable of getting severely ill or dying from Covid–19 because they don’t have as strong an immune system due to age,” the Department of Health warned.

“Vaccines are not 100% effective in preventing anyone from getting infected, but even if you or the elderly get Covid–19, chances of getting very sick or dying are much smaller.”

The department also issued a reminder of Uber’s offer to cover a return trip to a vaccination site for up to R100 each way. These vouchers must be claimed online.

The department previously explained that government is not directly funding these incentives.

It said that several incentive programmes were being developed in partnership with South Africa’s business sector.

According to Media Hack’s vaccination tracker on The Outlier, it will take South Africa eight to fourteen months to administer Covid-19 vaccines to 67% of the adult population at the current average vaccination rate of 120,882 vaccinations per day over the past week.

According to the Department of Health, 12,737,700 people in South Africa have been fully vaccinated, and 15,471,276 have received at least one dose of a vaccine.

Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/trending/421592-big-covid-19-vaccination-weekend-push-with-r100-grocery-vouchers.html

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