S.Africa: Zuma State Capture: EFF condemns the delay in the release of the final part of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture Report
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[The Jews and White Liberals are doing their utmost to nail Zuma for the stuff he did. But they hide the crimes of the Black Jew Ramaphosa because he's their globalist/communist guy. Jan]
20 June 2022
The Economic Freedom Fighters condemns the patently factional and suspicious delay in the release of the fifth-part of the Commission of Inquiry Into State Capture Report.
In an attempt by the celebrity-wannabe known as Chief Justice Raymond to remain in the public limelight and be at the centre of national discussion, he has once again delayed the release of the final part of the report, which would close this long and expensive chapter in our democracy.
Zondo, who was overcome by his need to show that he is an ally and confidante of Cyril Ramaphosa, foolishly exposed their compromised relationship, after he delayed resumption of the Judicial Service Commission Interviews for the position of Deputy Chief Justice, citing a call from his political principal Ramaphosa.
It was after this clandestine meeting, that it Was revealed without any basis, rationale or cause, that the final part of the commission’s report will be delayed.
This successive delay, after Arthur Fraser has made damning allegations of Ramaphosa’s involvement in money laundering, kidnapping, bribery and defeating the ends of justice, gives credence to the claims that the report is being altered in order to caste doubt on the credibility of Arthur Fraser.
This valid and credible suspicion, is made worse by the fact that this final instalment of the report, is expected to pertain to the State Security Agency (SSA) Of which Arthur Fraser was a Director General, and speak to other parastatals such as the South African Broadcasting Co-Operation (SABC).
There has been no transparency as to what is informing this delay, and we are simply expected to believe that Ramaphosa who was deeply entrenched in corrupt activity himself during they years of the Gupta criminal networks operations, will be impartial while having had undeniable access to the report, through his friend Raymond Zondo.
It is naive to think that Ramaphosa who has exhibited his level of deceit, Secrecy, and manipulation during the Phala Phala saga, would be honest in his handling of a report where he could influence how it portrays the man who has exposed him for money laundering and breaking domestic and international laws.
The EFF calls for the immediate release of the final instalment of the State Capture Commission Report, before it can be further manipulated by Ramaphosa and Zondo.
Zondo, who denied Arthur Fraser an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses at the Commission, effectively denying the nation an opportunity of understanding the inner-workings of the capture of the state, and Ramaphosa, who is criminally accused by Fraser, lack the impartiality to handle a report which pertains to the SSA.
The longer this report remains in their corrupted and compromised hands, the more likely that it will be distorted and given to the captured media, to divert attention by casting aspersions on Arthur Fraser, in order to protect Ramaphosa.
Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 20 June 2022
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