S.Africa: Zuma on parole – calls for a REVOLT among the ANC over bad election results!!! – My Comments
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In October 2022, I gave a presentation in South Africa to prepper group of Boers at the request of their leader.
[The country is a clown show. So Zuma, who was arrested for contempt of court … and is now out on "Medical Parole" … he is stirring up the Black voters of the ANC over the recent bum election results. Zuma still has quite a lot of credibility among these White-hating Black ANC communists. If only we Whites just stood firm … we could survive anything these clowns throw at us. But it is fun that Zuma is sort of calling for a rebellion against the Black Jew, Ramaphosa. It's good fun. Jan]
Jacob Zuma has called upon ANC members to rebel against its party leaders following its worst-ever performance in municipal elections, the Sunday Times reported.
In a leaked audio recording published by the Sunday newspaper, former president Zuma said he would have rallied more support for the ANC if he were not on parole.
“If I was not on house arrest, I would have explained to voters why it was important to vote for the ANC despite its shortcoming and would have convinced them to not punish the party but rather to hold leaders accountable,” he said.
Zuma also said ANC members must “react to this [the electoral setback]”.
“In our structures, let us stand up — let us ask a questions from the leadership, they must come explain what went wrong”.
Party members gathered outside the ANC’s Moses Mabhida regional offices in Pietermaritzburg to protest President Cyril Ramaphosa’s leadership.
More protests are expected to take place in eThekwini tomorrow, the Sunday Times reported.
Zuma blamed the party’s poor election performance on Cyril Ramaphosa’s and other party leaders’ failure to provide resolutions to alleviate many social issues.
“The only resolution they were keen on implementing is the step aside,” he said.
“Other resolutions which are critical in changing the lives of the people and transforming the county are being neglected, and I will not keep quiet when things go wrong in the ANC.”
Zuma expressed his disappointment in ANC members who did not turn out to vote, saying it only helped advance “the campaign to reduce the ANC’s majority”.
“The plan is to weaken the ANC, and some who are leading that campaign are from within,” he said.
“If you don’t vote, you are hurting the ANC when it is not at fault. We must hold the individuals accountable but not harm the ANC.”
The Sunday Times quoted an ANC leader in KwaZulu-Natal, who spoke on condition of anonymity, as agreeing with Zuma.
“People said the real president of the ANC has spoken. That’s the president we know,” they said.
Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/government/421662-zuma-calls-for-revolt.html
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