S.Africa: Black teacher lies about Qualifications – Fraudulent qualifications: Teacher appears in court


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[Blacks have often been known to modify their actual academic qualifications. It's an old story. Jan]

Thembisile Phungula (41) appeared in the Durban Specialised Commercial Crime Court on 18 January 2021, following her arrest by Hawks members from the Durban Serious Commercial Crime Investigation on Friday, 15 January 2021.

Phungula allegedly submitted a fraudulent matric certificate and a teaching diploma to the Department of Education. As a result, she was hired as a teacher at Msinga High School in 2011. Her conduct was discovered after the department verified the authenticity of her qualifications. The department suffered a financial loss of approximately R122 493.00 which was paid to her as a salary.

A case of fraud by misrepresentation was reported at Dundee police station and the case docket was allocated to the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/kwazulu-natal/fraudulent-qualifications-teacher-appears-in-court/

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Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
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