Retired General Georg Meiring, the first chief of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) appointed by late former president Nelson Mandela, has died at 84.
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2 Videos: White Hero Tom Metzger: 2985 and shortly before he passed
I got this from a guy who is a huge fan of Tom. I knew Tom Metzger and did some shows with him. He was a very clever, very awesome White guy.
2 Videos: White Hero Tom Metzger: 2985 and shortly before he passed
I got this from a guy who is a huge fan of Tom. I knew Tom Metzger and did some shows with him. He was a very clever, very awesome White guy.
Retired General Georg Meiring, the first chief of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) appointed by late former president Nelson Mandela, has died at 84.
The South African Defence Force Association (SADFA) said Meiring died at his home in Pretoria on Tuesday afternoon surrounded by family and friends.
“It is with deep sadness that the Meiring family confirms the death of General (Ret) Georg Lodewyk Meiring. He passed away peacefully in the company of his family at 16:39 at home.”
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