Race War begins in South Africa with Blacks VS Indians and Whites – My Comments & Analysis


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[These EU Times people have got some additional facts that add to, or confirm what I know. What's interesting are the killing of 3 Somalis. I suspect they might be Muslims. This, plus any Indian casualties will be of interest. To date, I've still not seen a single mention of a dead White in any of this. That is a bit strange. I would have thought at least 1 or 2 of our people might be killed. But so far nothing. It could be that the Whites were just better prepared. So I am hoping that is the reason. The mention of an attack on a mosque is interesting. This is also what I heard, and this really irritated the Muslims, most of whom are Indians and this, along with attacks on businesses could be where the real heat between the Blacks and Indians has come from. However, this is not a fully fledged race war. Things are much quieter now, though, odd, small scale attacks and murders of Indians as well as political opponents of the Zuma/Zulu/Communist crowd may continue. The real things from here onwards will be low intensity murder, crime, etc for a long time. There are people in South Africa putting out junk analyses that Phase 2 are mass attacks on Police stations and new regions, but this is hogwash. The main events are over and simmering down. I think long term, low intensity stuff is what lies forward. This may even be the beginning of low intensity stuff in Natal that will now last for decades, and perhaps even trigger a bigger war later. I now see Natal as the long term, most dangerous part of South Africa. We have a serious problem there. A very interesting mention below is that in one place, when the Police fired rubber bullets, live fire was coming from the looters. That is the first time I've heard of some of the looters having firearms. This is an aspect worth studying more closely. I'm interested in what weapons the "looters" actually had. To my knowledge no Police were killed, and the army was not very active. They came pretty late. So I don't think the Police or Army suffered any casualties. Jan]

The media is not telling the whole story, they are just incoherently yapping but the truth to what is going on in South Africa is an actual race war. Whites and Indians are in a joint coalition force, fighting off the blacks which have spiraled out of control with recent lootings, crimes and random attacks.

Violence is sweeping parts of South Africa, with the government deploying the military to support police in some provinces amid looting and several deaths, according to developing reports.

Mass looting is taking place in KwaZulu-Natal province, in particular, home of former South African president Jacob Zuma, 79, who is facing corruption charges and has been sent to prison for contempt of court after refusing to attend an inquiry into “state capture” when he held office.

Riots and looting, reportedly initiated by supporters of Zuma, who is appealing his sentence, are particularly pronounced in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, North Coast, South Coast, and Inland areas of KwaZulu-Natal, according to local reports, with the police also requiring military support in Gauteng province.

A prison break was also attempted in KwaZulu-Natal, with fires being lit at the Umzinto Correctional Centre and one inmate reported dead in the resulting fracas:

While a full picture of what is going on in the post-apartheid state is still emerging, the aforementioned prison inmate is not the only reported fatality.

Abdi Ismaeel, a spokesman for the Somali community in Durban, has claimed that at least three Somalis have been killed since Monday.

A mosque has also been set on fire in Mayville Durban.

“They were not fighting, they were running for their lives. They were innocent people. We don’t know how they died,” Ismaeel said, alleging that there are “no police” — and indeed that “Police are themselves are targets. You call the police, they can’t come.”

This squares with reports from Pietermaritzburg, where at least two malls have been looted and one raised by fire, with the BBC saying that riot police who attempted to disperse looters with rubber bullets were met with live ammunition in return.

Police also came under fire on a freeway near a mall in Durban, where many malls, stores, and at least one factory have been looted, with one officer being hit in the leg.

Perhaps most alarming are reports of ordinary people “forming armed groups to protect businesses, homes in KwaZulu-Natal”, and videos on social media which purport to show armed, ad hoc citizens’ militias and private security out on the streets.

One particularly striking video, widely shared by a number of verified accounts but not fully authenticated as of the time of publication, appears to show a group of men confronting a large mob with firearms.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will “address the nation” on the evening of July 12th “on government’s response to persistent public violence in parts of the country”, according to the presidency’s official account on Twitter.

Jessie Duarte, deputy secretary-general of the governing African National Congress, has alleged the violence “is planned. It is someone sitting somewhere and planning it.”

Source: https://www.eutimes.net/2021/07/race-war-begins-in-south-africa-with-blacks-vs-indians-and-whites/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheEuropeanUnionTimes+%28The+European+Union+Times%29

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