My Experiences: Mugabe Seizing White Farms: The German Parliament, Meeting Presidents of: Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique
Video: Black American Science in Africa: Eating Childrens Hearts is the way to win Battles!
Whites outside Africa have no clue how crazy Blacks can be. In this video we take a thorough look at Blacks and Witchcraft with Cannibalism and other weird thoughts. Even Blacks who are Christians regard Witchcraft as real and dangerous. We take a look also at Liberia where Blacks from America went to.
There was a very wealthy German in South Africa. His name is: xxx Pabst.
This used to be his email address: xxxx
This was his cell phone number: xxxx
I see his website no longer exists. But it was around, until a few years ago.
Pabst owned a very big conservancy in Zimbabwe, when Mugabe began seizing the farms. But Pabst also had some serious businesses in South Africa. Pabst went on to the Afrikaans radio station, RSG (Radio Sonder Grense – Radio Without Boundaries). He told South Africans that South Africa was going to end up like Zimbabwe. He was probably the only businessman in Southern Africa to stand up and say the really important things that needed to be said.
I was wrong when I said that Jay Jay Sibanda’s Zimbabwean protest organisation was called the CZA. It was actually this: Concerned Zimbabwean Citizens Abroad (CZCA).
Jay Jay Sibanda met Pabst. Pabst liked the energetic protests that Sibanda was doing. In fact, during the entire time that Mugabe was seizing the white farms, Jay Jay’s organisation did the most energetic work in all of South Africa. They stood on street corners in Johannesburg, Pretoria, etc – protesting what was going on. Sometimes he could even hire a bus. There were also white South Africans joining them and supporting them.
Pabst liked what Jay Jay was doing and he was willing to support him. But Pabst was not sure if he could trust Jay Jay. So Jay Jay put him in touch with me. I never met Pabst in person, but he phoned me and we also corresponded by email. He asked if Jay Jay could be trusted. I said: Definitely. He then gave Jay Jay R40,000 to go on a trip to Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. Pabst’s idea was for Jay Jay to represent the Zimbabweans and to form friendships and alliances with all the countries surrounding Zimbabwe. Meetings were arranged.
All I can remember is that Jay Jay personally met the President of Botswana. He said the talks went well. He went to see Kaunda of Zambia, who by then was no longer the President. But apparently the talks there went quite well. He also saw someone on Mozambique, but I’m not sure who. And I can’t remember anything more. But it did sound as if it was generally positive. But I don’t know of any plans of action that were formulated. I am certain that nothing firm came of it. This trip, was the highlight of Jay Jay’s time protesting the farm seizures in Zimbabwe.
Interestingly, when I first met Jay Jay, he said something along these lines to me: He said that white people are becoming extinct in Africa. That came out of his mouth. He had lived, I think in Marondera and had a business there. He and other blacks were leaving Zimbabwe due to the chaos unleashed by the farm seizures.
Pabst liked my farm murders page on He asked me if he could make use of the farm murder photos. I agreed and sent him all of them. There were some farm murder photos which I had got from TAU (Transvaal Agricultural Union). They had been lent to me by Jack Loggenberg. He gave me some crime scene photos which I scanned and posted on my websites. I sent copies of all the photos to Pabst.
Pabst told me that he was going to do a presentation in the German Parliament regarding the land seizures in South Africa. I am under the impression, that he did do such a presentation. However, I don’t really know.
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