Left Wingers are filled with Hate – Whites Love Whites: I love South Africans, Rhodesians and NAZIS
White Shop
I‘ve fixed the shop. This is my little online shop that I set up in 2019 as an experiment. I‘ve revived it and will be adding new products weekly.
[This is a note I got from one of my supporters who is a young man. This made me smile. What I will add, is that "racist" is just a Jewish garbage term to prevent Whites from uniting and working together. The Jewish filth have taken a very natural, normal, beautiful behaviour and managed to demonise Whites with it. Notice how, whenever Whites try to stick together, that Jews shriek "racist". It is insane that "racism" should be "wrong" or worse still a "crime". This is just Jewish garbage. Every White should be "racist" to the freaking MAXIMUM. Be Racist, be NAZI, to the MAX. Then you're behaving naturally, normally and HEALTHILY. Jan]
He wrote:
Hi Jan I feel like the left wingers are filled with hate. Like the only reason they are not racist is because they don’t give a fuck they just hate everyone equally. It’s not that they love everyone, it’s that they hate everyone. It’s impossible to have that much love, it’s unnatural, you have too choose who you love, so it makes sense that whites should love whites, and that’s why we are racist, like I love South Africans and Rhodesians and Nazis. If I was to say that I love everyone I would be lying, I don’t care about Chinese people they are boring and stupid, it is not possible for me to love everyone, I love South Africans and Rhodesians and Nazis, if I was to try and love everyone I would end up loving no one.
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