Jews and Blacks: The Deeper Subject of: The White Race as a driving force and it’s effects on dysfunctional lower races


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Video: Levels of Betrayal: The Jewish Nightmare nobody is expecting...
I also discuss how in South Africa, the National Party betrayed the AWB. In this video I discuss the concept of Jews using Whites to destroy other Whites. But in the end, ALL the Whites end up losing, including those who worked to destroy the Right Wing/Racial Whites.

[This is a note I sent to someone. Jan]

There is a deeper discussion that I see coming out of all this racial stuff and it has to do with the evolution of humans, and where Jews are weird and scary, is the evolution of other races who have contact with whites. But Whites are the DRIVING FORCE of *ALL* Technology and Science. Our stuff, DRIVES THE WORLD. And it has bizarre effects on other races. our science and medicine basically takes dysfunctional Humans of other races and makes them functional and makes them breed out of control. Jews are a special form of evolution. I did a video dealing with that in recent months.

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Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.

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