I’m no fan of Abraham Lincoln, but here’s something very useful for modern South Africa


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I have a serious quote from Abraham Lincoln, even though I’m not a fan of his. He was an attorney and he liked to play a certain logical game trick on people, which actually could have a lot of use in the total madness and insanity of modern America and the Western world as a whole.

It may be valid, e.g. with regard to calling people citizens, equal, etc, etc.

He used to play this game:
He’d say: "If you call a tail a leg, then how many legs does a dog have?"

Then the person would respond by saying "5 legs".

Then Lincoln would respond: "Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg!"

I’m sure that quote has a lot of use in the madness of today.

I’m sure you can find many uses for that quote.

e.g. By saying people are equal, doesn’t make them equal.

By calling people citizens, or patriots, does not make them real citizens or real patriotis.

I’m sure people can find even better examples.

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