How Women navigate – My late Boer Pal’s funny observation


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Video: A Rich Jew treats aged Whites like cattle: They are Malnourished and thrown out
In this video we take a look at a very wealthy Jew in Queensland, Australia who owned an old age home. He just shut the old age home down and literally threw them out on the street.

I have mentioned Gilbert before in the video about how the Boers used "decapitation" during the war with the blacks here.

Anyhow, I’m about to publish an article about Male vs Female navigation – some tests that were recently done.

Gilbert made this rather funny observation about women, which no woman will deny. Men might think of north and south and east and west or some similar way of dealing with direction. Well Gilbert said that women navigate by SHOPPING MALLS!!! 🙂

He said that women think in terms of shopping malls when they navigate!!


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WTV: World Truth Videos
I really like these guys. They dare to publish videos that nobody else has the balls to. They are good NS people!

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