HistoryReviewed just crashed… also… maintenance coming for AfricanCrisis…


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Video: Hitler: The Nightmares of an Emperor
When a man is as extremely powerful as Hitler was, he lives in a nightmare. I discuss an aspect of his character that all his enemies misrepresent in order to make him appear to be evil and demented.

My http://historyreviewed.com/ server crashed today for 2 hours. It is a problem that has been occurring several times since September. I put in my first attempted fix about a week ago and have been monitoring it daily. This is the first outage since then.

Things had seemed better since I had made the changes. But this outage now shows that there’s still a serious problem. I’ll be monitoring my website daily.

I’m not sure if my outages are due to volume and traffic.

I will begin applying other changes one by one and observing the results. I’ll start with my changes tomorrow.

Note: I also have changes that have been due for months on the server for my https://africancrisis.info/. I’m also going to begin applying some serious changes there tomorrow.

One of the problems for me, due to all my bannings and hassles is that in the end I’ve had to become my own server administrator over the last 18 months! This is a role I’ve never been in before. Its extremely technical and low level… but little by little I have been working on things behind the scenes so that I can sort out my two servers. So bear with me. This is a learning curve. But I’ll get better!! Jan.

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Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.

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