What happened AFTER #BlackMonday? What of the 2 other Farm Murder protests? Jan explains this to Alex Linder… – Afriforum & Vonk


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Video: NEW! DNA Proof that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew & Jewish Lies about Lewis Carr
Here is the final DNA proof as well as actual photo of the Jew who was Jack the Ripper and the horrific story of this evil, hate-filled Jew. The Author of Alice in Wonderland was a very clever Englishman who was on to the Jews.

[For those who want to know more about my struggles AFTER #BlackMonday and why I could not get to either of the farm murder protests view the video I did with Alex Linder on #TeamWhite in this regard. I explain to him how I tried to get there and what stopped me. Jan]

You can view the video here: https://wp.me/p8wSEO-OA

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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

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