Former Head Scientist at Pfizer Says Covid Threat is 100% Fake
Video: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Anti-White Treasonous Jews at their finest
Here is the full discussion that took place on 25th January 2020 at a house here in Johannesburg where Kasrils came to talk about his 3rd book, his latest book.
Prior to forming his own biotech company in 2011, Michael Yeadon was the Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer Pharmaceutical. He is a top scientist in the world of drugs and vaccines in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as Covid. In this video he declares that the Covid pandemic is a fraud. He explains why masks are useless, why distancing is absurd, why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why variants of virus strains are no threat, and why Covid vaccines should be rejected. Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money. He concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a few years of vaccination, there clearly is an agenda to deliberately eliminate billions of people from the Earth and to enslave those who remain. We might be tempted to think this message is the rantings of a mad man, but coming from the former head scientist at Pfizer, which is one of the top Covid-vaccine manufacturers, it cannot be dismissed. Source: Planet Lockdown, 2021 May 16.
To grasp the full significance of Dr Yeadon’s message, it is recommended that you watch this message more than once.
Video: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein
I take a look at an Australian Jew whose parents were Russian Jews, who was the original Epstein. This Jew was a criminal of note, and in Australia he was known as Mr Sin. His specialty was sexual blackmail.