Pic: EXCELLENT MEME from USA: Why are we wasting our money on Africa?
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Video: The Greatest Jewish Lie told about Spanish Christians that EVERYBODY BELIEVES!
Most people think they know what the Spanish Inquisition was about, but theyre all wrong. They believe an enormous lie. As usual, what is left out is the role of the Jews.
Video: The Greatest Jewish Lie told about Spanish Christians that EVERYBODY BELIEVES!
Most people think they know what the Spanish Inquisition was about, but theyre all wrong. They believe an enormous lie. As usual, what is left out is the role of the Jews.
[This is a brilliant meme someone on the social media in the USA made for us and gave to me. The N word is an American word. So this is from our American brothers and sisters. Jan]
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White Shop: Adolf Hitlers Beautiful Painting: The Munich Opera House
Much of Hitlers art was created during his time as a struggling artist in Vienna and Munich, where he sold watercolors to support himself. Some of his works are owned by collectors and institutions.
White Shop: Adolf Hitlers Beautiful Painting: The Munich Opera House
Much of Hitlers art was created during his time as a struggling artist in Vienna and Munich, where he sold watercolors to support himself. Some of his works are owned by collectors and institutions.